By default when a customer is created, it is created as a "visible" customer. An attribute on the customer record called invisible is set to 0 to indicate that the customer is visible.
Also by default, an Admin App user with access to the customers panel will only be able to view and edit "visible" customers.
In some situations it might be useful to set a customer to be "invisible". This can be performed through the API when the customer is created using exportCustomer or for an existing customer using an editCustomer API call.
When customers are made "invisible" they are not accessible from the Admin App unless the Admin User is assigned a special privilege that allows him to access both visible and invisible customers.
To allow an Admin User to access both visible and invisible customers you need to set the custom1 flag on the "Customers 2" panel for the required role on the Privileges panel as illustrated below:
Unlike the "Customers" panel, the "Customers 2" panel shown above is not a real panel but a "virtual" panel which only exists for the purpose of setting this privilege to access invisible customers. Additional privileges may be added to this virtual panel in the future.