KonaKart to ERP.
This message is sent by KonaKart whenever a customer registers using the online store. It contains a unique numeric customer id generated by KonaKart (kkCustomerId). It is also sent whenever a customer modifies any information such as his primary address.
<exportCustomer> <storeId>store1</storeId> <time>16:50:07 26022015</time> <version>1.0</version> <body> <kkCustomerId>44</kkCustomerId> <customerId>ERP007</customerId> <kkCustomerGroupId>34</kkCustomerGroupId> <type>INSERT</type> <gender>m</gender> <firstName>Peter</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <company>ACME Inc</company> <address1>Rose Cottage</address1> <address2>32 High Street</address2> <address3>MayBank</address3> <city>Newcastle</city> <state>Staffordshire</state> <postcode>ST5 ORT</postcode> <ISO3CountryCode>GBR</ISO3CountryCode> <ISONumericCountryCode>123</ISONumericCountryCode> <telephone1>01782765334</telephone1> <telephone2>335624599</telephone2> <email>peter.smith@acme.com</email> <locale>en_GB</locale> <dateOfBirth>03032015</dateOfBirth> <fax>01782765335</fax> <taxEntity>taxEntity</taxEntity> <taxExemption>taxExemption</taxExemption> <taxIdentifier>taxIdentifier</taxIdentifier> <custom1>custom1</custom1> <custom2>custom2</custom2> <custom3>custom3</custom3> <custom4>custom4</custom4> <custom5>custom5</custom5> </body> </exportCustomer>
Mandatory Attributes
kkCustomerId | This attribute should contains a unique numeric identifier for the customer. It is generated by KonaKart when the customer registers. |
type | Valid values are INSERT and UPDATE depending on whether it is a new customer or an existing customer with modified information such as an updated address. |
firstName | The customer's first name. |
lastName | The customer's last name. |
address1 | The first line of the street address. |
city | The customer's city |
state | The customer's state. If a list of valid states exists in the KonaKart database for the customer's country then this attribute must contain either the numeric KonaKart id of one of the states or the state code (e.g. ZH) or the state name (e.g. Zürich). If a list of states is not present in the database then it may take any value. |
postcode | The customer's postcode. |
ISO3countryCode or ISONumericCountryCode | Either the 3 letter ISO country code or the ISO numeric country code should be present. |
The email address of the customer. |
Optional Attributes
time | Time message was created in format HH:mm:ss ddMMyyyy |
version | The version of the interface being used |
storeId | The id of the KonaKart virtual store |
customerId | This attribute should contain the unique identifier used by the ERP system to identify the customer. Once the customer has been registered, KonaKart will send a message back to the ERP which will contain the customer details, the KKCustomerId and this customerId. In this way, the ERP system will be able to associate the KKCustomerId with its internal customerId. |
kkCustomerGroupId | If the customer should belong to a KonaKart group, this should contain the numeric KonaKart group id. |
gender | This should contain "M", "F" or "X" which stand for male, female and other. |
company | The customer's company. |
address2 | The second line of the street address. |
address3 | The third line of the street address. |
telephone1 | The customer's primary telephone number. |
telephone2 | The customer's other telephone number. |
locale | The customer's locale in the format en_GB. |
dateOfBirth | The customer's date of birth in the format ddMMyyyy. |
fax | The customer's fax number. |
taxEntity | Tax entity information for the customer. |
taxExemption | Tax exemption information for the customer. |
taxIdentifier | Tax identifier for the customer. |
custom1-custom5 | Custom attributes that may contain any custom data to be saved in the KonaKart database with the customer. |
KonaKart to ERP.
The purpose of this message is for KonaKart to inform the ERP system of the KonaKart customer identifier generated when a customer is exported from the ERP system and registered in KonaKart.
<matchCustomer> <storeId>store1</storeId> <time>16:50:07 26022015</time> <version>1.0</version> <body> <customerId>ERP007</customerId> <kkCustomerId>44</kkCustomerId> </body> </matchCustomer>
Mandatory Attributes
customerId | This attribute should contain the unique identifier used by the ERP system to identify the customer. |
kkCustomerId | This attribute should contains a unique numeric identifier for the customer. It is generated by KonaKart when the customer registers. |
Optional Attributes
time | Time message was created in format HH:mm:ss ddMMyyyy |
version | The version of the interface being used |
storeId | The id of the KonaKart virtual store |
KonaKart to ERP.
This message is sent by KonaKart whenever an order is placed on on the online store.
This is a large message so in the following pages it is split up for readability with comments on the Mandatory and Optional fields inserted at appropriate points. Each of the following message parts can be combined to form one single orderExport message.
<orderExport> <time>15:27:53 03032015</time> <version>1.0</version> <storeId>store1</storeId> <body> <kkOrderId>55</kkOrderId> <orderNumber>32634/2015</orderNumber> <kkLifecycleId>c53a3c97-b3b4-443d-9dcc-cdcfc9d06214</kkLifecycleId> <orderState>7</orderState> <creationDate>16:19:46 03032015</creationDate> <kkCustomerId>67</kkCustomerId> <customerId>W0000067</customerId> <customerLocale>en_GB</customerLocale> <currencyCode>GBP</currencyCode> <currencyValue>1.36</currencyValue> <paymentMethod>Credit Card</paymentMethod> <paymentModuleCode>authorizenet</paymentModuleCode> <paymentModuleSubCode>paymentModuleSubCode</paymentModuleSubCode> <pointsAwarded>150</pointsAwarded> <pointsUsed>20</pointsUsed> <couponIds>23</couponIds> <promotionIds>12</promotionIds> <affiliateId>affiliateId</affiliateId> <invoiceFileName>32634-2015.pdf</invoiceFileName> <shippingModuleCode>fedex</shippingModuleCode> <shippingServiceCode>overnight</shippingServiceCode> <orderCreator>21</orderCreator> <storeName>multi-vendor store name</storeName> <kkParentOrderId>66</kkParentOrderId> <custom1>custom1</custom1> <custom2>custom2</custom2> <custom3>custom3</custom3> <custom4>custom4</custom4> <custom5>custom5</custom5> <custom6>custom6</custom6> <custom7>custom7</custom7> <custom8>custom8</custom8> <custom9>custom9</custom9> <custom10>custom10</custom10> <custom11>custom11</custom11> <custom12>custom12</custom12> <custom13>custom13</custom13> <custom14>custom14</custom14> <custom15>custom15</custom15> <custom16>custom16</custom16>
Simple Mandatory Attributes
kkOrderId | A unique numeric id for the order assigned by KonaKart when the order is saved in the KonaKart database. |
orderState | An integer identifying the state of the order. The order states may be defined in the KonaKart database using the KonaKart Admin App. |
creationDate | The date the order was created in the format HH:mm:ss ddMMyyyy. |
customerLocale | The customer's locale in the format en_GB. |
currencyCode | The ISO 4217 Currency Code (e.g. USD, EUR, GBP). |
paymentMethod | The method used for payment. The value of this attribute is defined by the KonaKart payment module written to support the chosen payment gateway. |
paymentModuleCode | The code of the KonaKart payment module. A store may have more than one payment modules. e.g. There could be a credit card payment module, a cash on delivery payment module, a pick up in store payment module etc. |
shippingModuleCode | The code of the KonaKart shipping module. A store may have more than one shipping module. e.g. There could be a database table driven module with fixed costs based on order weight for domestic orders and an interface to a web service like FedEx for international orders. |
orderCreator | The numeric KonaKart id of the customer making the order. |
Simple Optional Attributes
time | Time message was created in format HH:mm:ss ddMMyyyy |
version | The version of the interface being used |
orderId | The id of the KonaKart virtual store |
storeNumber | A unique order number identifying the order. Depending on how this number is assigned, it may not be present when KonaKart exports the order because it may be assigned by the ERP. |
kkLifecycleId | This is a unique UUID assigned to the order by KonaKart. It is present even before the order is saved in the KonaKart database. |
customerId | This attribute may be present if the customer has been assigned an id by the ERP or if there is an algorithm that KonaKart can use to create the ID. e.g. create an ID of W0000067 from the KonaKart id of 67. |
currencyValue | Only present if this has been set on the KonaKart currency. It is used to translate currencies. |
paymentModuleSubCode | Only present for certain payment gateways that support multiple payment methods, each of which has a code. |
pointsAwarded | Only present if reward points is enabled in the storefront and the customer was awarded points for the order. |
pointsUsed | Only present if reward points is enabled in the storefront and the customer used points to pay or partially pay for the order. |
couponIds | If one or more coupon codes were used, this attribute contains the KonaKart numeric coupon ids separated by commas. |
promotionIds | If one or more promotions were used, this attribute contains the KonaKart numeric promotion ids separated by commas. |
affiliateId | Can be used to contain the id of an affiliate partner. |
invoiceFileName | Can be used to contain the file name of the invoice for the order. |
shippingServiceCode | Some shipping modules (especially the service based ones) may return multiple options such as overnight shipping, or 2-day shipping etc. |
storeName | Only used in multi vendor mode where the order is a vendor order containing only the products which the vendor needs to ship. It has a parent which is the main order containing all of the order items. |
kkParentOrderId | Only used in multi vendor mode where the order is a vendor order containing only the products which the vendor needs to ship. It has a parent which is the main order containing all of the order items. The attribute contains the KonaKart order id of the parent order. |
custom1-custom16 | Custom attributes that may contain any custom data saved in the KonaKart database with the order. |
<customerAddress> <kkAddressId>23</kkAddressId> <name>Peter Smith</name> <company>ACME Inc</company> <address1>Rose Cottage</address1> <address2>32 High Street</address2> <address3>MayBank</address3> <city>Newcastle</city> <state>Staffordshire</state> <postcode>ST5 ORT</postcode> <ISO3CountryCode>GBR</ISO3CountryCode> <ISONumericCountryCode>123</ISONumericCountryCode> <telephone1>01782765334</telephone1> <telephone2>335624599</telephone2> <email>peter.smith@acme.com</email> </customerAddress> <billingAddress> <kkAddressId>23</kkAddressId> <name>Peter Smith</name> <company>ACME Inc</company> <address1>Rose Cottage</address1> <address2>32 High Street</address2> <address3>MayBank</address3> <city>Newcastle</city> <state>Staffordshire</state> <postcode>ST5 ORT</postcode> <ISO3CountryCode>GBR</ISO3CountryCode> <ISONumericCountryCode>123</ISONumericCountryCode> <telephone1>01782765334</telephone1> <telephone2>335624599</telephone2> <email>peter.smith@acme.com</email> </billingAddress> <deliveryAddress> <kkAddressId>23</kkAddressId> <name>Peter Smith</name> <company>ACME Inc</company> <address1>Rose Cottage</address1> <address2>32 High Street</address2> <address3>MayBank</address3> <city>Newcastle</city> <state>Staffordshire</state> <postcode>ST5 ORT</postcode> <ISO3CountryCode>GBR</ISO3CountryCode> <ISONumericCountryCode>123</ISONumericCountryCode> <telephone1>01782765334</telephone1> <telephone2>335624599</telephone2> <email>peter.smith@acme.com</email> </deliveryAddress>
Complex Mandatory Attributes - Addresses
Each order contains three address sections which may all contain different addresses for Customer, Billing and Delivery Addresses.
Mandatory Attributes - Addresses
name | The person's name. |
address1 | The first line of the street address. |
city | The person's city |
state | The person's state. |
postcode | The person's postcode. |
ISO3countryCode or ISONumericCountryCode | Either the 3 letter ISO country code or the ISO numeric country code should be present. |
The email address of the person (only mandatory for the Customer address, not the Billing address or Delivery address). |
Optional Attributes - Addresses
kkAddressId | The numeric id of the KonaKart address. Only useful for immediate use since the registered customer may remove the address from his address book. |
company | The person's company. |
address2 | The second line of the street address. |
address3 | The third line of the street address. |
telephone1 | The person's primary telephone number. |
telephone2 | The person's other telephone number. |
<lineItems> <lineItem> <kkProductId>45</kkProductId> <productSKU>DLI-4567</productSKU> <productName>De'Longhi BCO 410</productName> <productModel>DLBCO410</productModel> <singleProductWeight>15.6</singleProductWeight> <quantity>2</quantity> <discountPercent>20.00</discountPercent> <totalPriceExTax>20.00</totalPriceExTax> <totalPriceIncTax>24.00</totalPriceIncTax> <totalTax>4.00</totalTax> <taxCode>taxCode</taxCode> <refundValue>19.20</refundValue> <refundPoints>100</refundPoints> <custom1>custom1</custom1> <custom2>custom2</custom2> <custom3>custom3</custom3> <custom4>custom4</custom4> <custom5>custom5</custom5> <custom6>custom6</custom6> <custom7>custom7</custom7> <custom8>custom8</custom8> <custom9>custom9</custom9> <custom10>custom10</custom10> </lineItem> </lineItems>
Complex Mandatory Attributes - Line Items
Each order contains a line item for each product type ordered. There must be at least one line item.
Mandatory Attributes - Line Items
kkProductId | The KonaKart numeric product id. |
productSKU | The product SKU which is understood by the ERP system. |
productName | The name of the product. |
productModel | The model of the product. |
quantity | The quantity bought. |
totalPriceExTax | The total price of the line item (unit price x qty) excluding tax. |
totalPriceIncTax | The total price of the line item (unit price x qty) including tax. |
totalTax | The total tax for the line item. |
Optional Attributes - Line Items
singleProductWeight | The weight of a single product. |
discountPercent | Used for tier pricing. |
taxCode | The tax code used for the product. |
refundValue | The final unit price of a product having taken into account all discounts. May be used to calculate refunds. |
refundPoints | The number of points allocated for a single product. May be used to calculate refunds. Default value is -1 (not set). |
custom1-custom10 | Custom attributes that may contain any custom data saved in the KonaKart database with the line item. |
<orderTotals> <orderTotal> <title>Sub-Total</title> <text>£24.00</text> <value>24.00</value> <className>ot_subtotal</className> <custom1>custom1</custom1> <custom2>custom2</custom2> <custom3>custom3</custom3> <custom4>custom4</custom4> <custom5>custom5</custom5> </orderTotal> <orderTotal> <title>Flat Rate Shipping</title> <text>£5.00</text> <value>5.00</value> <className>ot_shipping</className> <custom1>custom1</custom1> <custom2>custom2</custom2> <custom3>custom3</custom3> </orderTotal> <orderTotal> <title>Total</title> <text>£29.00</text> <value>29.00</value> <className>ot_total</className> <custom1>custom1</custom1> <custom2>custom2</custom2> <custom3>custom3</custom3> <custom4>custom4</custom4> <custom5>custom5</custom5> </orderTotal> </orderTotals>
Complex Mandatory Attributes - Order Totals
Each order normally contains a number of order totals for things like sub total, shipping, promotion discount, total etc.
Mandatory Attributes - Order Totals
title | Typically displayed on the order. Contains text like Total, Shipping, Sub Total etc. |
text | A formatted representation of the amount. e.g €23.45 or £34.56 |
value | A numeric representation of the amountt e.g. 23.45 or 34.56 |
className | This identifies the order total module used to generate the order total. |
Optional Attributes - Order Totals
promotionId | When the Order Total contains the result of a promotion, it holds the promotion id. |
discountAmount | The discount amount defined by the promotion. Only present when the order total contains the results of a promotion and the promotion defines a discount amount rather than a discount percentage. |
discountPercent | The discount percentage defined by the promotion. Only present when the order total contains the results of a promotion and the promotion defines a discount percentage rather than a discount amount. |
custom1-custom5 | Custom attributes that may contain any custom data saved in the KonaKart database with the order total. |
<statusHistory> <status> <kkOrderStatusId>1</kkOrderStatusId> <updatedBy>5</updatedBy> <date>18:54:00 03032015</date> <customerNotified>false</customerNotified> <comments/> </status> <status> <kkOrderStatusId>5</kkOrderStatusId> <updatedBy>5</updatedBy> <date>18:54:00 03032015</date> <customerNotified>true</customerNotified> <comments> Authorize.net payment successful. Authorize.net TransactionId = 27364 </comments> </status> </statusHistory>
Complex Mandatory Attributes - Status History
A status record is added to the order every time the status changes. When the order is exported it will already have a minimum of one status record associated with it.
Mandatory Attributes - Status History
kkOrderStatusId | An integer identifying the state of the order. The order states may be defined in the KonaKart database using the KonaKart Admin App. |
date | The date / time the state was changed in format HH:mm:ss ddMMyyyy |
customerNotified | True if an email was sent to the customer for the state change. |
Optional Attributes - Status History
updatedBy | The id of the KonaKart user that caused the state change. |
comments | Any comments can be added to accompany the state change. |
<paymentHistory> <payment> <transactionDate>16:19:46 03032015</transactionDate> <transactionAmount>99.99</transactionAmount> <kkResult>0</kkResult> <kkResultDescription>Transaction OK</kkResultDescription> <gatewayResult>1 - This transaction has been approved.</gatewayResult> <gatewayFullResponse>gatewayFullResponse</gatewayFullResponse> <gatewayTransactionId>0</gatewayTransactionId> <gatewayCaptureId>2207759569</gatewayCaptureId> <gatewayCreditId>2207759568</gatewayCreditId> <moduleCode>authorizenet</moduleCode> <custom1>custom1</custom1> <custom2>custom2</custom2> <custom3>custom3</custom3> <custom4>custom4</custom4> <custom5>custom5</custom5> </payment> </paymentHistory> </body> </orderExport>
Complex Mandatory Attributes - Payment History
If the customer has paid by credit card through a payment gateway, KonaKart will have captured payment details returned by the payment gateway. The Payment History section may consist of more than one payment object because the customer may make multiple attempts to pay (e.g. using different credit cards) until payment was successful.
transactionDate | The date / time of the transaction in format HH:mm:ss ddMMyyyy |
transactionAmount | The amount of the transaction. |
kkResult | The KonaKart result. The value is 0 if the transaction was successful regardless of the outcome. e.g. A KonaKart value of 0 means that the communication with the gateway was successful even if the credit card wasn't accepted by the gateway. |
kkResultDescription | A description of the KonaKart result. |
gatewayResult | The result from the gateway which determines whether the credit card was accepted or not. The value will depend on the actual gateway. |
gatewayFullResponse | The full response received from the payment gateway. Useful for auditing purposes. |
gatewayTransactionId | The payment gateway transaction id. |
moduleCode | The code of the KonaKart module used to communicate with the payment gateway. |
Optional Attributes - Payment History
gatewayCaptureId | May contain a value if the gateway was used to reserve the funds on the credit card. The captureId is transmitted to the payment gateway in another transaction (typically when the goods are shipped) in order to actually deduct the funds from the credit card. |
gatewayCreditId | May contain a value that can be used to refund an amount to the customer if the products are returned. |
custom1-custom3 | Custom attributes that may contain any custom data saved in the KonaKart database by the payment module. |
KonaKart to ERP.
The purpose of this message is to inform the ERP system that a KonaKart object has been modified, inserted or deleted. It allows the ERP system to use the KonaKart APIs to read the updated objects.
For Customers, a message is sent when the following events occur:
When a customer registers using the Storefront Engine.
When a customer updates his personal information using the Storefront Engine.
When a customer updates his primary address using the Storefront Engine.
When a customer updates, inserts or deletes any non primary address using the Storefront Engine.
When an administrator registers a customer using the Admin Engine.
When an administrator updates customer information using the Admin Engine.
When an administrator updates a customer’s primary address using the Admin Engine.
When an administrator deletes a customer using the Admin Engine.
For Orders, a message is sent when the following events occur:
When an order is saved using the Storefront Engine.
When the state of an order is changed using the Storefront Engine.
When the state of an order is changed using the Admin Engine.
Note that for orders, the code that sends the message is in the Order Integration Managers, and by default, the message is only sent when the order is in the Payment Received state.
For Products, a message is sent when the following events occur:
A product is inserted, edited or deleted.
The product quantity is changed using setProductQuantity() or setProductQuantityWithOptions().
<updateObject> <storeId>store1</storeId> <time>16:50:07 26022015</time> <version>1.0</version> <body> <objectType>1</objectType> <operationType>2</operationType> <kkObjectId>88</kkObjectId> <objectId1>ABC</objectId1> <objectId2>XYZ</objectId2> <value1>32</value1> <value2></value2> </body> </updateObject>
Mandatory Attributes
objectType |
Integer used to identify the object:
operationType |
Integer used to identify the type of CRUD operation:
kkObjectId | The numeric id of the KonaKart object |
Optional Attributes
objectId1 |
Additional identifier that can be used by the
ERP to identify the object.
objectId2 |
Additional identifier that can be used by the
ERP to identify the object.
value1 |
Optional value to simplify the processing of the
value2 | Optional value to simplify the processing of the message. |