Shippers and Shipments

The Enterprise version of KonaKart allows you to define multiple shipments for an order so that this information is stored in the database and returned as an array of OrderShipment objects whenever a detailed order is retrieved through the APIs. The shipment information is displayed by default in the order details view of the storefront application and has been included in the velocity template for the eMail sent on an order state change (OrderStatusChange_3_en.vm) when the state changes to shipped. A similar template may be created for the partially shipped state.

In order to configure the shipment functionality, the first step is to define one or more shippers under the Localizations >> Shippers section of the Admin App. Only the name (e.g. FedEx, UPS) is required although it may be useful to also enter the tracking URL template including the placeholder string {TRACK_NUM} which will be automatically substituted with the tracking number when a shipment is inserted. E.g.!input.action?tLabels= {TRACK_NUM}

In this way the tracking URL can be made available to customers without having to enter it every time a new shipment is inserted.

Once the shippers have been defined, one or more shipments may be created for an order by clicking the Shipments button on the Orders panel after having selected an order. The online help of the Shipments panel provides more details regarding the process.

When in multi-vendor mode, whenever a shipment is inserted by a vendor, the information is automatically propagated to the parent order which is visible to the customer.