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getPaymentGateways not returning custom payment module

Started by anstuff, May 25, 2010, 05:55:48 pm

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I am trying to develop a new payment module named Cybersource.  I see this module available in the list of modules and I am able to install it as well.  I also verified the parameter values in configuration table and they all appear to be correct.
During installation or removal of any of the payment modules, the constructor and setStaticVariables do get executed (Verified with SOPs put in there).  Although, getPaymentDetails are never getting executed.

Despite of all the above, when I make a call to getPaymentGateways method with my order passed in there, I do not get the Cybersource module in there at all.  Under what circumstances can this happen?

Any help appreciated...


Is it enabled and available in the zone where the customer making the order comes from?


Earlier, I had not kept the zone as one of my configs and had removed the checkZone call from getPaymentDetails.  Since you never trust your instincts :) I re-instated the zone configuration and set the value to none.  That did not help either.


And yes the module is enabled, also verified the Configuration table holding the value true for "MODULE_PAYMENT_CYBERSOURCE_STATUS" property.  I have made this module based on Authorize.net.


I think I found the problem.  I was running Konakart locally as well in QA environment.  Some of the configuration that was done for konakart was pointing to QA environment.  That environment did not have my module installed, so obviously it did not work.  I do not know which configuration specifically would be required, if someone knows please do reply to this thread.  Thanks for looking.