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Started by nickgk, March 30, 2011, 03:46:14 pm

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I've made some modifications to the one page checkout code that I have succesfully tested using the GWT/Eclipse environment. Some of the changes I have made are on the server side and required changes/additions to KKGWTServiceImpl.java. After running the Ant build for onepagecheckout I copy the gwt scripts over to the webapps/konakart/ directory and most of the new functionality works in the production environment except for what is related to the server side changes. I found that the KKGWTServiceImpl.java class lives inside the konakart_gwt.jar file.  I see no build file that will re-create this jar file so that I can move it over and get my new functionality.

Firstly, is my thinking on this correct?
If so, how can I build a konakart_gwt.jar with my new classes in it.
Could I simply move all the class file to /webapps/konakart/WEB-INF/lib? This would not be pretty.
Do you have a build file for for konakart_gwt.jar?



I solved this myself by reading up on ANT and adding the following to the "make_jars" target in the main build file.

<echo message="Create the konakart_gwt.jar" />
<jar destfile="${custom.home}/jar/konakart_gwt.jar"
<fileset dir="${custom.home}/onepagecheckout/war/WEB-INF/classes">
<include name="com/konakart/**/*.class" />

After copying the resulting konakart_gwt.jar file over to my webaps/konakart/WEB-INF/lib directory everything now works as expected!  :)