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Client-side vs Server-side managers

Started by Kim.Zeevaarders, June 06, 2011, 04:33:42 pm

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Hi everybody,

I have difficulties understanding some basic things about the working of the KK engine(s) and the different managers and hope you can help me out here:

- If I override the engine through use of the custimization framework I am overriding the server side engine?
- Is the interface of this engine what you guys call the KK API?
- Is it true that the only extra functionality of the client-side engine (in comparison with the server side engine) is to maintain state per request? So in that aspect it is a sort of statefull wrapper around the server side engine?
- Does the above also account for the client-side (al) and server-side managers (bl) like the productmanager or basketmanager. If not in what aspect do these client-side managers differ from their server side counterparts?
- If I call kkAppeng.getProductManager() I get the al manager, but according to the documentation I can only subclass the bl manager. Is it true that subclassing the bl productmanager has effect on the working of the al productmanager, since it is only a statefull wrapper round the stateless bl productmanager?





Quote- If I override the engine through use of the custimization framework I am overriding the server side engine?


Quote- Is the interface of this engine what you guys call the KK API?


Quote- Is it true that the only extra functionality of the client-side engine (in comparison with the server side engine) is to maintain state per request? So in that aspect it is a sort of statefull wrapper around the server side engine?

There is also some functionality for doing things like paging.

Quote- Does the above also account for the client-side (al) and server-side managers (bl) like the productmanager or basketmanager. If not in what aspect do these client-side managers differ from their server side counterparts?


Quote- If I call kkAppeng.getProductManager() I get the al manager, but according to the documentation I can only subclass the bl manager. Is it true that subclassing the bl productmanager has effect on the working of the al productmanager, since it is only a statefull wrapper round the stateless bl productmanager?

The al ProductManager calls the Server Engine through the API which will in turn call the bl ProductManager. I think that you'll find it more flexible and less confusing if you just call the Server Engine APIs directly and forget about the application engine since this can be considered "helper" code only if you need to write a store-front application similar to ours.



Once again thx for the quick and clear reaction.

