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Product Rating

Started by tqumhieh, February 25, 2013, 02:55:00 pm

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Hi Guys, is Product Rating a value that I have to set manually or is it calculated automatically? i'm calling ProductIf.getRating() and it always return null


It is calculated automatically. You can see this on our online demo http://www.konakart.com/konakart/Welcome.action if you register and write a review.


However this value is always returning null in my environment. Specific review rating is valid, but average product rating is always null, do I need to configure anything for it to work ?



Unfortunately it isn't  do so. any idea?


Our online demo is an OTB installation so I'm surprised that your installation works differently. Whenever a a review is inserted, the number of reviews and the average rating attributes on the product object are updated.


im using the community edition, does that make any difference?


I the latest version once again and install it, using the server APIs always return null value for rating. it seems the client API do its own calculation to return the rating