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To call one custom api from another api using adminengine obj

Started by bharatkasodariya, May 29, 2013, 02:01:50 pm

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Is it possible to call one custom method from another custom method with custom admin engine.

Below is sample of two custom class. I tried with kkAdminEng.getAdminEng()....  but didn't work

public class DeleteProduct
    KKAdmin kkAdminEng = null;

     * Constructor
     public DeleteProduct(KKAdmin _kkAdminEng)
         kkAdminEng = _kkAdminEng;

  public void deleteProduct(String sessionId, int productId) throws KKAdminException
               //Here I want to call another method deleteMiscItem which is also custom.


public class DeleteMiscItem
    KKAdmin kkAdminEng = null;

     * Constructor
     public DeleteMiscItem(KKAdmin _kkAdminEng)
         kkAdminEng = _kkAdminEng;

     public void deleteMiscItem(String sessionId, int miTypeId) throws KKAdminException



You can step back a level to achieve that.

Take a look at "C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom\adminengine\gensrc\com\konakartadmin\app\KKAdminCustomEng.java"

This is the class that calls the individual API classes in a custom engine...

So you can modify how they get called in there...