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Liferay 6.2?

Started by einherjer-uy, November 11, 2013, 11:49:30 am

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I'm using liferay 6.2.0 CE GA1 and trying to deploy the konakart portlet.
I get an error in liferay saying the portlet is not targeted for this version of liferay (I guess obviously cause I run ant with -DLR6120, the largest I found in build.xml)

is there a way to make it run in liferay 6.2?



Yes we made our release before Liferay 6.2.0 and it's not compatible out of the box.

Our next release will however be compatible.


When the next version with Liferay 6.2.0-GA1 support will be released?

Which changes at the WAR files are necessary to make them compatible?



Not sure of the next release date - but it'll be Q1.

I think there was just two simple things to change for the KonaKart storefront portlet:

Define these in liferay-plugin-package.properties
     liferay-versions            = 6.1.1+,6.1.20+,6.2.0+

Add this to liferay-plugin-package.xml:

For the Admin Portlet you have to remove a duplicate Admin Servlet definition in the web.xml (wasn't a problem prior to LR 6.2.0).   When you deploy the Admin Comsole portlet the error you get from Liferay should make this clear.


Hello, Ming,

      I'm trying to make KonaKart StoreFront compatible with Liferay 6.2.0-GA1.

      I've tried to make the two changes at the files "liferay-plugin-package.properties" and "liferay-plugin-package.xml", as you said above. The portlet is deployed successfully, but when try to Activate the portlet, through the "Application Manager" option at the "Control Panel", it shows the following error at console:

17:40:22,085 INFO  [stdout] (http-- java.lang.NullPointerException
17:40:22,086 INFO  [stdout] (http-- at com.liferay.marketplace.appmanager.portlet.AppManagerPortlet.updatePluginSettings(AppManagerPortlet.java:206)

      Then the portlet is not shown anymore at the Portal.

      I'm using JBossAS 7.1 and PostgreSQL 9.2.

      Is there any sugestion about this error?

      Thanks !


I don't recognise that particular error.  Perhaps you could ask Liferay what it means?

I can deploy KonaKart to LR 6.2 (tomcat and JBoss) so I'm not sure what the problem is that you're having.

How exactly are you creating your portlets?