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The community edition update from v 3 to v 8.1

Started by catherine_i, August 31, 2016, 03:01:24 pm

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You administer the modules in the KonaKart Admin Console.  That's where you install / remove / configure them.  See under Modules >> Payment

If you remove a module from there it should not show up in your log like that.

Obviously the konakart and konakartadmin webapps must be using the same database.


Sure, but version has no "yourpay" module at all as I see. Is it correct? Is yourpay module some kind of legacy? I have delete from "installed modules" in "configuration" table strings "yourpay;" and "epaybg" and no exceptions now. But they are mentioned in other places of database also. Could I cause a side effects ?


Yourpay was retired in v7.4.0.0 (Feb 2015) because its gateway service was no longer available.

So really...  you shouldn't have had that active in your database for a long time. It wouldn't have worked.

Anyway, it sounds like you have removed it now so that's good.  You can remove its MODULE_*** configuration values if you wish but they won't be used.   Normally these are removed when you remove a module from the Admin Console but in your case you were using a version that didn't have the module to delete yet it was still present in a database from an earlier system that did have the module.   With the benefit of hindsight it would have been better to remove the modules before upgrading.


There was no "YourPay" module in admin console after upgrade, you are right


Everything works fine if before exporting konakart database you should remove all the shipment and payment modules (saving Order Totals modules untouched) then export database to a SQL file. Then import it in a new database, only then run the upgrade scripts.
But now I get  "Shipping Module null could not be found" when press "Export for shipping" on admin console , without exceptions in logs, why? I have installed USPS shipment module and want to see what is the "Export for shipping" functionality, could you tell me?


Quote from: catherine_i on September 01, 2016, 04:11:53 pm

I have removed all payment modules and still got error during purchase :
KonaKart V8.1.0.0-C0 () built 1:40PM 5-Feb-2016 GMT [DB: MySQL]

01-Sep 16:33:41 WARN  (?:init:?) engConf = null
01-Sep 16:33:41 ERROR (?:refreshConfigs:?) Could not instantiate the Payment Module com.konakart.bl.modules.payment.epaybg.Epaybg in order to refresh its configuration.
com.konakart.app.KKException: Cannot return the value of the MODULE_PAYMENT_EPAYBG_DECLINE_URL configuration parameter using the API. (Ask your administrator to set the 'return by API' flag for this configuration parameter if you need it to be returnable)
at com.konakart.bl.ConfigurationMgr.throwReturnByAPIException(Unknown Source)
at com.konakart.bl.ConfigurationMgr.getConfiguration(Unknown Source)
at com.konakart.bl.ConfigurationMgr.getConfiguration(Unknown Source)
at com.konakart.app.KKEng.getConfiguration(Unknown Source)
at com.konakart.bl.modules.payment.epaybg.Epaybg.setStaticVariables(Unknown Source)
at com.konakart.bl.modules.payment.epaybg.Epaybg.<init>(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

I am having the same issue can anyone help


If you don't want the EPayBG module you need to remove it.

Remove the payment modules you don't want from the configuration_value for the configuration_key MODULE_PAYMENT_INSTALLED (this is in the configuration table in the database).

If you don't need any particular module you can remove its jar from the konakart and konakartadmin webapps (WEB-INF/lib directories)

You can also remove them from the "konakart.modules.payment" property in konakartadmin.properties if you don't want to appear in the Admin Console.

konakart.modules.payment=Authorizenet BarclaycardSmartPayHosted BarclaycardSmartPayApi Bluepay Caledon Chronopay Cod CommideaVanguard CyberSourceSA Elink Eway_au GlobalCollect MoneyBookers Netpayintl PayflowPro Payjunction Paypal Usaepay Worldpay WorldPayXMLRedirect