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Payment Modules for credit card payment

Started by asimmons, February 21, 2008, 08:38:00 pm

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I've been working threw the customization FAQ, and I'm still not able to add a new payment module. Jus tto make it simple I renamed one of the paymen modules to paymentech, by copying the

modules/src/com/konakartadmin/modules/payment/payjunction/Payjunction.java (and property files),
com\konakartadmin\modules\payment\paymentech\Paymentech.java (and property files),

along with editing the struts-config.xml
and the konakartadmin.properties

after I rebuild and then copy the jar over to \webapps\konakartadmin\WEB-INF\lib and restart konakart I dont see the changes I figured I would atleast see the new payment in the konakartadmin and try to install it. Am I missing something I read all the post and I can't figure out whats wrong.



The various pieces are :

  • \src\com\konakart\bl\modules\payment\payjunction - This is the directory containing the payment module

  • \src\com\konakart\actions\gateways\PayjunctionAction.java - This is the Struts action class for the UI

  • src\com\konakartadmin\modules\payment\payjunction - This is the directory containing the class picked up by the Admin App (when added to the admin app properties file) to enable you to install / uninstall the module through the Admin App

Although there maybe typos in what you wrote, you seem to have left out the actual payment module under \src\com\konakart\actions\gateways.

The Admin App looks at konakartadmin.properties (konakart.modules.payment property) file to figure out which payment modules are available. It then tries to instantiate them. Therefore if you have added Paymentech to konakartadmin.properties it should try to instantiate com\konakartadmin\modules\payment\paymentech\Paymentech.class . Do you get any exceptions / warnings in the log ?


\src\com\konakart\bl\modules\payment\payjunction - \src\com\konakart\actions\gateways\PayjunctionAction.java -src\com\konakartadmin\modules\payment\payjunction -

I have these 3 files there, they've been renamed to Paymentech.java for 2 of them and then PaymentechAction.java for the 3rd. I litteraly renamed the files and then changed the code in them to refrence Paymentech instead of payjunction.

The log files are all clean I assume your talking about the log dir in the konakart toplevel dir.

I copy the jar ouputs to C:\KonaKart\webapps\konakartadmin\WEB-INF\lib is this correct?

Do you want to see my properties files?


You should actually place the jar in both \webapps\konakartadmin\WEB-INF\lib  and \webapps\konakart\WEB-INF\lib .

In the Admin App the actual name you will see in the UI is taken from the method public String getModuleTitle(). Have you changed this so that it prints out Paymentech ? You're not seeing two PayJunction modules are you ?


::) Ok so I removed all the payment types and only left my custom one in konakartadmin.prop because the output was scrolling by to quick in tomcat.
Its there that I noticed that it wasn't finding \konakartadmin\modules\payment\paymentech.class that when I noticed that the package declaration was incorrect...so when I was building it was dumping the class fill in the the payjunc dir.

Thanks for your help and fast response are company will be using your great software for are shopping cart.


I'm pleased you solved it.

Please send us a link to your web site when it's up and running.
