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Same prod in multiple categories

Started by rgayle, April 07, 2009, 06:11:30 pm

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we have a Category that is used for grouping: (ie: SummerTime:) It has several subcats (Meats, juice, etc).  All the products in these categories live in their normal categories/subcats (Home/Meat/beef/, Home/Juice/Canned,etc.

We need to display our store navigation and breadcrumb based on where the user clicked a product from, with the exception of the search page.

In the ShowProductDetailsAction:
seems like it sets the category url param the first category that the item is located in.  Also the built in bread crumb is built based on that premise.

To get around this, I will be passing a param, on the SelectProd.do, named "navCatId". if it is present, I will get the categoryIf object, and pass it to the preparePage method.

Is this the correct approcah?



Yes, that sounds like a good approach.