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Configuring product sort order

Started by fizzlepop, November 17, 2010, 09:23:50 pm

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Okay, Yes I have searched the forum and looked at previous threads about customizing the sort order for products, but I didn't see where the suggested solutions apply, so I will re-post this question.

I am using KonaKart

I only want to change the sort order of products as they are displayed when the user is viewing products within a category.  Naturally, I looked at the source of SelectCategoryAction1.  However the only line of code that I can tell which fetches the products is:

int prodsFound = kkAppEng.getCategoryMgr().setCurrentCatAndUpdateProducts1(catIdInt);

I can't modify the source of CategoryMgr.setCurrentCatAndUpdateProducts1 method - or can I?  Where is the appropriate place to customize the product query?



Just before that line, try adding ( using the ORDER_BY parameter that you prefer ):



Thanks!  Sadly, the sort option I want "ORDER_BY_DATE_ADDED_DESC" does not exist.  :-[


Just use DataDescConstants.ORDER_BY_DATE_ADDED .