KonaKart Community Forum

Installation / Configuration => Programming of KonaKart => Topic started by: Manu on June 24, 2011, 09:00:45 am

Title: Add an AboutUsAction issue
Post by: Manu on June 24, 2011, 09:00:45 am
Hi all,

I try to add an  « About Us » page on my Konakart Installation. [KonaKart V5.2.0.0 (6216)]

So, I've edited the struts-config.xml file :

<action path="/AboutUs" type="com.konakart.actions.AboutUsAction">
<forward name="AboutUs" path="/CatalogAboutUsPage.do"/>


<action path="/CatalogAboutUsPage" forward="catalog.aboutus.page"/>

I have edited the tiles-def.xml file :

<definition name="catalog.aboutus.page" extends="main.layout">
<put name="body" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/AboutUs.jsp"/>

And I've created my AboutUsAction in /custom/appn/src/com/konakart/actions directory :

package com.konakart.actions;

public class AboutUsAction extends BaseAction {

    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
            HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        KKAppEng kkAppEng;
try {
kkAppEng = this.getKKAppEng(request, response);
        kkAppEng.nav.set(getCatMessage(request, "header.aboutus"), request);
} catch (Exception e) {
            return mapping.findForward(super.handleException(request, e));

return mapping.findForward("AboutUs");

But when I click on my link
<html:link page="/AboutUs.do"> <bean:message key="information.tile.aboutus"/> </html:link>

I get that error :

[ERROR] RequestProcessor - No action instance for path /AboutUs could be created <java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.konakart.actions.AboutUsAction>java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.konakart.actions.AboutUsAction

I think it's because the AboutUsAction.class file is not in the konakart_custom.jar  in WEB-INF/lib (Is it ?)

So I tried to run ant in custom dir to "update" the .jar (Is it the good way ?) but I get this error :

Buildfile: build.xml


     [echo] Cleanup portlet WARs...
     [echo] Cleanup portlet WAR staging area...

     [echo] Cleanup admin portlet WARs...
     [echo] Cleanup admin portlet WAR staging area...

     [echo] Cleanup WARs...
     [echo] Cleanup EARs...

     [echo] Cleanup...



     [echo] Create the MANIFEST.MF file for all jars

     [echo] Compile the customisable application code
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom\appn\classes
    [javac] Compiling 137 source files to C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom\appn\classes

C:\Program Files\KonaKart\custom\build.xml:257: Error running C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin\javac.exe compiler

Total time: 0 seconds

I look on the Internet but I didn't find an answer.

Currently my JAVA_HOME is : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26
And my PATH is C:\WINDOWS\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;[...]

(I didn't modify the build.xml file) I don't know how to have more information about this error.

Does anybody has an idea ?  :-[


(Sorry for my english but I'm French  :-X )
Title: Re: Add an AboutUsAction issue
Post by: Manu on June 24, 2011, 09:12:50 am
And Fyi, i've tried  Javac on a test file .java and itw works

and java -version :

java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode, sharing)
Title: Re: Add an AboutUsAction issue
Post by: cedroy on June 27, 2011, 12:40:46 pm

chez moi, le problème se trouvait dans l'accès à javac. J'ai rajouté le chemin à la variable PATH et tout baigne.

Bon après-midi

Title: Re: Add an AboutUsAction issue
Post by: Manu on June 27, 2011, 01:01:20 pm
Oui en effet en regardant bien la valeur dans le PATH était pas la bonne,
J'avais C:\WINDOWS\Program Files au lieu de C:\Program Files directement.

J'arrive à taper Javac directement dans la console. Par contre j'ai toujours l'erreur quand j'exécute le ant.

Je cherche encore ...
Title: Re: Add an AboutUsAction issue
Post by: greg on June 27, 2011, 07:34:05 pm
are you executing ANT using the ANT supplied in the KonaKart installation:

custom>   bin\ant

.or something else....

BTW... there is an AboutUs page in the next version (from v