My company is considering KK, but it is very important to us that the full solution be open source.
1) what parts of KK are not open source?
2) Is anything we might conceivably need to already open source?
2) is there a paid option to get the source for the parts that are closed?
Hello Dean,
1) The customizable parts of KonaKart are open source. These include the Struts action classes and forms, the JSPs, the payment modules, order total modules, shipping modules, discount modules and the one page checkout Google GWT code. This code is shipped under the GNU Lesser General Public License. The remaining components of KonaKart are free, but not open source.
2) "Is anything we might conceivably need to already open source?" Sorry, I don't understand your question here. If you are asking is there anything you need that is not open source, I would say probably not. Our approach is to provide flexible APIs to allow you to use KonaKart as you please. If there are things that the APIs do not provide we can be responsive to adding these. There are custom fields on the major objects to allow you plenty of freedom and flexibility when customising KonaKart through the APIs. We will ensure backwards compatibility in the APIs and encourage people to program their systems against these to allow them to take full advantage of enhancements and bug fixes in future releases with minimal effort to upgrade.
3) Yes the source code is available to purchase although there are conditions over what it can be used for - eg. it cannot be used to produce a product for use or sale outside the purchasing company, but it can be purchased for customisation and use within the purchasing company. Please contact us by email (enquiries @ konakart.com) for a more detailed discussion on this and let us know about your intended use of KonaKart.