I am using the SOAP interface of the community version (that resembles http://www.konakart.com/javadoc/server/com/konakart/app/KKWSEng.html).
1. In the method signature createAndSaveOrder(java.lang.String emailAddr, java.lang.String password, CustomerRegistrationIf custReg, BasketIf[] basketItemArray, java.lang.String shippingModule, java.lang.String paymentModule, int languageId) what are the arguments "String shippingModule" "String paymentModule"?
1.1 I can see a "String moduleCode" member in ShippingQuote class. Is that what needs to be set for "String shippingModule" in the createAndSaveOrder method?
1.2 I also can't see any "module" related member in PaymentDetails class (no "String moduleCode" member like in ShippingQuote class). Or do we need to provide the members "code" from both ShippingQuote and PaymentDetails for the "String shippingModule" and "String paymentModule" arguments?
1.3 Also, if I don't provide CustomerRegistration object, in case when the customer is already logged in, it seems I can't get the password from anywhere to provide it in the createAndSaveOrder (and fix the exception "java.rmi.RemoteException: The String parameter called password must be given a value. It cannot be set to null or be left empty."). I tried the getCustomer(sessionId) method but it doesn't return the password.
Kind Regards,
I am using the SOAP interface of the community version (that resembles http://www.konakart.com/javadoc/server/com/konakart/app/KKWSEng.html).
1. In the method signature createAndSaveOrder(java.lang.String emailAddr, java.lang.String password, CustomerRegistrationIf custReg, BasketIf[] basketItemArray, java.lang.String shippingModule, java.lang.String paymentModule, int languageId) what are the arguments "String shippingModule" "String paymentModule"?
1.1 I can see a "String moduleCode" member in ShippingQuote class. Is that what needs to be set for "String shippingModule" in the createAndSaveOrder method?
1.2 I also can't see any "module" related member in PaymentDetails class (no "String moduleCode" member like in ShippingQuote class). Or do we need to provide the members "code" from both ShippingQuote and PaymentDetails for the "String shippingModule" and "String paymentModule" arguments?
1.3 Also, if I don't provide CustomerRegistration object, in case when the customer is already logged in, it seems I can't get the password from anywhere to provide it in the createAndSaveOrder (and fix the exception "java.rmi.RemoteException: The String parameter called password must be given a value. It cannot be set to null or be left empty."). I tried the getCustomer(sessionId) method but it doesn't return the password.
Kind Regards,