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Messages - nitros


  This community can help if you provide your JVM mem arguments -X and -XX stuff.  Also, mem configuration of your server/desktop and OS windows/linux.  You may have set it too low.
Upon release of 2.2.6, the engine is 100% customizable and I don't see a need to make it open source.  After all somebody has to earn their bread and butter.

I don't know your requirement but we would love to have the client side classes (com.konakart.al.*) open source.

Have you considered moving to a java based hosting company?
You should be able to use any logging implementation.  Configure your server environment to use the logging implementatio you want.

Even though KKEng.java initializes the logging by reading the konakart-logging.properties,  you can bypass it by creating a blank file konakrt-logging.properties.  Do not delete the file, just keep it blank, it will send all logging to whatever the serveris configured to.
Programming of KonaKart / Konakart 2.2.6 Kudos!
May 29, 2008, 04:20:18 pm
    I would like to thank the Konakart team for release version 2.2.6.  We were able to upgrade our existing customized Konakart version from 2.2.4 to the latest with much ease.  This release has made customization of Konakart much easier and the user guide is a must read for everyone.  Not to mention, the tags, the product bundles and engine customizations are much anticipated features. We were really at a stage where we started designing how to do it ourselves, fortunately Konakart version 2.2.6 was released.... :)

Congratulations to Konakart team for providing the community with such an excellent piece of software.

If anyone looking for a list of file changed/added/deleted from Konakart version 2.2.4 to Konakart 2.2.6.  Please reply and I will publish the list unless Konakart team wants to officially publish it themselves.

Ps: Please feel free to relocate this post somewhere else as this is not really related to programming.
You won't find Konakart in the maven repo due to licensing issues. Since I usually keep all the konakart jars in my JBoss server lib path, so while compiling I let maven use those jars as dependencies and pull it from my local repository.

Here are the commands to install konakart jars into your local repository:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.konakart -DartifactId=konakart -Dversion=2.2.4 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/opt/apps/lib/konakart.jar
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.konakart -DartifactId=konakart_torque -Dversion=3.3-RC1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/opt/apps/lib/konakart_torque-3.3-RC1.jar
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.konakart -DartifactId=konakart_utils -Dversion=2.2.4 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/opt/apps/lib/konakart_utils.jar
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.konakart -DartifactId=konakart_village -Dversion=2.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/opt/apps/lib/konakart_village-2.0.jar
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.konakart -DartifactId=konakartadmin -Dversion=2.2.4 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/opt/apps/lib/konakartadmin.jar
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.konakart -DartifactId=konakartadmin_gwt -Dversion=2.2.4 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/opt/apps/lib/konakartadmin_gwt.jar

Define in your pom.xml the dependencies:


Hope this helps
Which server are you using?
Programming of KonaKart / Re: Unit test integration
April 26, 2008, 02:13:37 am
Yes, I definitely agree that if KK team releases those unit test, then while integrating our product with Konakart, we don't have to create mockup test data for KK apis.
Thanks for the help Pete.  Another option I can think of to leverage the use of navigation functionality of the KKAppEng is to overwrite the method getProductMgr(), extend ProductMgr class and then somehow set the products retrieved from the server directly and store it in the currentProducts array. 

I see getCurrentProducts() method but no setCurrentProducts() method, which might make my solution unimplementable.

I will update you if I can do it.  Please comment...
Pete, just so I understand your solution, I am repeating it here again. 

Your suggestion is instead of calling KKAppEng, call the KKEng.searchForProducts method in a loop and then maintain it in the session in my own class (CustomAppEng).  So, CustomAppEng extends KKAppEng.  I think it is the best workaround, I can think of but how can I instantiate my CustomAppEng instead of KKAppEng.  I see in the struts-config.xml, the KKAppEngPlugin looks at the konakart_app.properties file and instantiates the KKeng but not the KKAppEng.  How do I control the instantiation of my CustomAppEng?

On a related note, I see that the KKAppEng has some getter/setter methods for custom1, customer2...., the javadoc says they can be used for any custom logic but the source for KKAppEng is not available.  Could you please explain how those methods may be used?

   I have been using konakart for sometime and it is a great product.  I am happy I found the right software for us but as you there is always need for more....:)

My scenario demands a way to search for products belonging to more than one manufacturer but not all manufacturers.  Is there a way in Konakart to display products using wither Quick Search or Advance Search to retrieve products by multiple manufactures?  I have been using quick search functionality but it gives me an option to either search for one manufacturer or all.  I even tried using a loop in the action class but it retrieves and displays only the last manufactuer's products.

Please let me know if there is a way.
I could definitely see a great need for bundling products and florin_oltean beautifully summarizes the requirement for Product bundles.

Currently, we plan to provide bundle products by creating a separate product with the description describing its contents and a picture with the word "Combo" on it.
Programming of KonaKart / Quick Search functionality
March 24, 2008, 07:34:05 pm
I would like to know if Konakart uses Apache Lucene to search text for item name and description.  If not, then could you please explain how search is performed in Konakart and on what fields does it search on.
Programming of KonaKart / KK_API_CALL table
February 14, 2008, 09:53:32 pm
I was wondering what is the purpose of this table and how I can use this table to plugin calls back to my program from Konakart?/////////
Exactly, that is what I initially planned but to keep things simple, I stated that I will search for products.

So the actual implementation, is to first search for manufacturers/retailers within the defined range and then filter their products based on the search term.

I am just looking for various ways of implementation if anybody has done such a thing in Konakart.....

Here is one nice article in Google Maps API blog:

My need is to find products which has an address (contacts) associated with it.  Any customer who searches for products first provides us with their address and we want to customize Konakart to pull the products within 10 miles from the customer.....

Steps to do that:
1.  All product's address has geocode already mapped using Google Maps API
2. Take the customer's address and get the geocode using Google Maps API.
3. Call Google Maps API for each product to find the distance between two geocodes (customer and product)

The above approach does not look like an optimized solution.  Can anyone suggest a better way of doing it?  BTW we are using Konakart to implement it.