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Messages - nickgk

Thanks for the info.  This almost solves my problem but "company" is not one of the allowable keywords in the format. It would be great if there were a mechanism for conditional inclusion, i.e. only include a $cr if the company exists...
Programming of KonaKart / getBillingAddrFormatTemplate
February 14, 2012, 07:18:00 pm
I would like to modify how the Order Confirmation template presents the Billing and Delivery Addresses. The default entries on the velocity OrderConfirmation_en.vm template are $order.getBillingFormattedAddress()
and $order.getDeliveryFormattedAddress(). The addresses supplied by these entries do not include the company name if one was entered during checkout.

In addition those mentioned above there are interesting methods in the OrderIf interface:    order.getBillingAddrFormatTemplate(), order.setBillingAddrFormatTemplate() etc.

How does one use they templates? Where do they reside and how could they be set from the velocity template?

Thanks for any help.
I've modified the onepagecheckout and I achieved all that I set out to do. Except that the customer is locked SSL if they continue to browse the site after the last checkout page. This causes many of the product listing pages to crash (return a white screen in the middle pane).

My last redirect from the onepagecheckout is:

redirect("CatalogCheckoutFinishedPage.do?ordernumber=" + result);

where 'result' is the order number for the customers benefit.

Right before the callback to the onepagecheckout I empty the basket and set the custId to -1 in the hopes this would cause the checkSSL method to do the right thing.
In KKGWTServiceImpl:

                    //Thought this might do the trick
                    // If we received no exceptions, delete the basket

Any Ideas or suggestions?
Programming of KonaKart / Re: konakart_gwt.jar
March 30, 2011, 07:05:53 pm
I solved this myself by reading up on ANT and adding the following to the "make_jars" target in the main build file.

<echo message="Create the konakart_gwt.jar" />
<jar destfile="${custom.home}/jar/konakart_gwt.jar"
<fileset dir="${custom.home}/onepagecheckout/war/WEB-INF/classes">
<include name="com/konakart/**/*.class" />

After copying the resulting konakart_gwt.jar file over to my webaps/konakart/WEB-INF/lib directory everything now works as expected!  :)
Programming of KonaKart / konakart_gwt.jar
March 30, 2011, 03:46:14 pm

I've made some modifications to the one page checkout code that I have succesfully tested using the GWT/Eclipse environment. Some of the changes I have made are on the server side and required changes/additions to KKGWTServiceImpl.java. After running the Ant build for onepagecheckout I copy the gwt scripts over to the webapps/konakart/ directory and most of the new functionality works in the production environment except for what is related to the server side changes. I found that the KKGWTServiceImpl.java class lives inside the konakart_gwt.jar file.  I see no build file that will re-create this jar file so that I can move it over and get my new functionality.

Firstly, is my thinking on this correct?
If so, how can I build a konakart_gwt.jar with my new classes in it.
Could I simply move all the class file to /webapps/konakart/WEB-INF/lib? This would not be pretty.
Do you have a build file for for konakart_gwt.jar?

Programming of KonaKart / One Page Checkout
March 24, 2011, 03:52:16 pm
I've made some modifications to the one page checkout code. I have been able to compile and test the changes with the eclipse gwt plugin.  I am now have trouble deploying the changes to my test konakart server. I moved all of the original scripts to a folder called orig-checkout and copied the scripts from the /custom/onepagecheckout/war directory to my webapps/konakart directory. I did not forget the com.konakart.Konakart.nocache.js file. After restarting tomcat I get the spinning cursor whenever I try to checkout. I've also tried running the main build file. Are there jars that need to be moved?

Many thanks.
Programming of KonaKart / Re: CreditCardIf
March 21, 2011, 06:19:37 pm
Indeed, it does show up where you say it does.  :)  However, I should have said that it does not show up in the javadocs in my particular download of version 5.2.
Programming of KonaKart / Re: CreditCardIf
March 21, 2011, 06:01:51 pm
Wow, that was easy to fix I just added  "import com.konakart.app.CreditCard;". FYI - What threw me off is that it seems com.konakart.app.CreditCard does not show up anywhere in the Javadocs?

Programming of KonaKart / CreditCardIf
March 21, 2011, 05:26:03 pm

Page 105 of the KonaKart User Guide has a code example that suggests a way to save encrypted credit card details into the database at checkout using kkAppEng.getEng().setCreditCardDetailsOnOrder(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), order.getId(), cc);

This would require that a CreditCard object be instantiated in a Payment Module Action and there does not appear to be any implementation of the CreditCard() object.  Could anyone clarify this? Many Thanks.

I am interested in adding PayPal as a payment option. It looks to me like the module that is included with Konakart uses PayPal's older gateway mechanism that directs the user to PayPal's site for payment and then returns them afterwards. PayPal has a newer interface/API called PayPal Express in which the user stays on the seller's site and it apparently populates more of the user's info making things more efficient and user friendly. Is this correct?  Is anyone working on or are there any plans for a new version of the PayPal module that supports PayPal Express?
Configuration of KonaKart / URL Problem
July 15, 2008, 09:08:36 pm
Thanks to everyone who has helped me with issues so far and to the Konakart team for creating such a good system. I launched my konakart site a yesterday -> http://www.susato.com

I noticed today that I am having a problem with URL's to catalog pages not being directly accessible. The URL below is accessible through the category navigation without any trouble by going through the home page first (Pennywhistles->Kildare->-L-Series) Unfortunately, when it is accessed directly through a fresh browser I only get some of the tiles correctly populated - excluding the category navigation tile. When the '&redir=true' is removed from the URL it works fine. Of course, I need for these URL's to be externally accessible without going through the home page first. Can anyone shed some light on this?


Configuration of KonaKart / Tag Filter Problem
July 01, 2008, 08:18:15 pm

I am having a problem with some of my tags not returning any products. The tags that do not work have a number (1) next to them to indicate there are products associated with them. The clear filter function seems to work fine. I checked the kk_tag_to_product table and the tag id to product association looks good there. I have removed the product from this tag group and added a different one to no avail. Does anyone have any idea what I should look at to solve this? Many Thanks.


Since my upgrade to I am not able to check out - the screen is blank. Everything else seems to work fine. The following error message is in my catalina.out log when clicking the checkout link. I get the same message in the log file with either the onepagecheckout or the regular checkout.

12-Jun 14:41:20 INFO  (?:<init>:?) Engine used by application is com.konakart.app.KKEng
12-Jun 14:41:30 WARN  (?:createTempOrder:?) A temporary order could not be created
com.konakart.app.KKException: A default customer cannot be found. You must create one using the Admin App.
   at com.konakart.bl.OrderMgr.createOrderWithOptions(Unknown Source)
   at com.konakart.app.KKEng.createOrderWithOptions(Unknown Source)

I ran both of the mysql upgrade scripts for the upgrade. I searched the two demo.sql data scripts for 'Insert into customers' to try and find an example of a default customer to no avail.  Any insights on this would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,

Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Product Tags
June 10, 2008, 09:37:48 pm
Hi Heidi,

My 'Localizations' admin panel only has Currencies, Languages, Order Statuses, and Address Formats. I checked the database and it has an empty kk_tag table so I think my sql upgrade script ran fine. Hum, what am I missing?

Configuration of KonaKart / Product Tags
June 10, 2008, 08:17:50 pm

The product tag functionality in looks great. I see that the tags can be added to a product from within the product editor and I see where tag groups can be associated with categories in the category editor. However, I do not see where the tags themselves are are created in the Admin UI. Could someone please enlighten me?
