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Messages - jbkapadia

  I have searched for products using
    ProductIf[] prod=products.getProductArray();
Now here getProductArray method will not return Product description so i used eng.getProduct(sessionId,id,-1); which return productIf object and it contain description.

     But my problem is that for getting Description i have to call GetProduct and it make one database call. And i want to make less database calls. So can you please suggest anything which can searchProducts and also return Product description also so that less database call made.
  I have added new payment method. Now in this its server can be accessed by Web service i don't need to go any page. Now there is two methods for payment one is com.konakart.app.PaymentDetails.COD  which simply accept order without any verification and other is com.konakart.app.PaymentDetails.BROWSER_PAYMENT_GATEWAY which redirect to some URL. Now i don't required any of this. I want to execute one java program clicking on Checkout button. This program will return true for successful transaction and false for unsuccessful transaction. So can you please guide me for this.

It will my pleasure to contribute for product like konakart. I will once it will gets completed and tested properly.
Done Thanks a lot..
configs = new KKConfiguration(
        /* title */"Transaction Key",
        /* value */"",
        /* description */"Valid transation Key to Process request"
                + " This key can be get from cybersource account",
        /* groupId */groupId,
        /* sortO */i++,
        /* useFun */"",
        /* setFun */"",
        /* dateAdd */now);

Yes it might be the case my transaction key is more than 256 key. so can you tell me in which table or file i should edit to solve the problem.
  I want to add new payment module named cyber source. I have created all the necessary file and jars and deployed it in konakart. Everything works fine now problem is i have to store one Transation id so i have put this like in konakart admin...

configs = new KKConfiguration(
        /* title */"Transaction Key",
        /* value */"",
        /* description */"Valid transation Key to Process request"
                + " This key can be get from cybersource account",
        /* groupId */groupId,
        /* sortO */i++,
        /* useFun */"",
        /* setFun */"",
        /* dateAdd */now);

Everything goes well tell i put blank in value but when i put value something like this


can you please help to soleve this problem.
Thanks for support.
Programming of KonaKart / is it support ACID property?
February 26, 2008, 10:15:53 am
  I want to know that is konakart support ACID property by default or i have to take care of it.
Like for example i am trying to upadate 5 product from basket using removefrombasket or updatebasket method. Now if exception is generated in between then will it keep changes which i have made or roll back to last stable state.
Say for example i want to add product_longname field in Products table and i want to access it via konakart API then in which file changes are required. Mean get and set method and if any other..
Ya i know there is custom fields available but we need more fields so can you please guide us to add fields.
Programming of KonaKart / Want to Add Field in database.
February 15, 2008, 11:32:49 am
  I want to add field in Konakart database. Can you please explain what changes in code is required to do so.
I am using this Koanakart as sub system of my application. Now this application has its own login details. so when user login once and come through konakart i dont want to make him login again. So, how can i generate sessionid for this user. Can u please suggest any solution for this.
done. thanks for help
  First of all congratulation for such a wonderful application.
  I am new to Konakart. Now i want to know that is it possible to use Konakart without deploying konkart in Apache. I am using API example given in application and try to run it (Apache server is not running). At the time of running it gives error

D:\kkjars>java Kkapi
EC is :class com.konakart.app.KKEng
        at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(PropertyConfigurator.java:424)
        at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configure(PropertyConfigurator.java:327)
        at com.konakart.app.KKEng.initLog4j(Unknown Source)
        at com.konakart.app.KKEng.init(Unknown Source)
        at com.konakart.app.KKEng.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at Kkapi.main(Kkapi.java:26)