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Messages - Mintxela

Programming of KonaKart / Re: debugging.
November 29, 2008, 01:00:42 pm
Programming of KonaKart / debugging.
November 27, 2008, 08:09:04 pm
how can I debug the information sent to paypal?
Ok, I forgot to set product_weight in admins products setting-page.
Ok, This is one of the table-rates I have created.

So in this case if each product=1kg if I buy 7 products the shipping price should be 28.80. right?
Do not why but is not change during the shopping.
Ok, I tried with "Table Rate", "zones".... but seems that just one zone can be created. In my case I need at least 4 zones.

1º Spain-----Free
2º Portugal & France -------x,xx
3º Rest of Europe-----x,xx
4º .......................

I'm doing something wrong???
Hi all, lets see if you can help me....

There is any way to set a different shipping price if the destination is in other countrie?

Thanks all....
Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Multiple images.
September 07, 2008, 08:58:27 pm
That was what I was trying now but.....
¿how can I set that?

<html:link page="/ShowImage.do" paramId="prodId" customfield1="????" paramName="prod" paramProperty="id" >
Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Multiple images.
September 07, 2008, 08:38:21 pm
not what I need.
what I need is to send the image I need to be displayed as a parameter in order to be able to enlarge each image.
Configuration of KonaKart / Multiple images.
September 07, 2008, 07:56:55 pm
I have changed my jsp to show multiple images for each product reading the imagepath from prod.getImage2() method.
My actual problem is hoy to send to ShowImageBody.jsp the selected image from ProductDetailsBody.jsp.
I tried to send a new parameter in the html: link but I´m having problems because that attribute is not set in TDL files.

Any other way to make this?
Installation of KonaKart / Re: Installation completed
September 02, 2008, 07:16:22 pm
You are right.
jejeje, Images are so big, I will tell the owners to make them smaller.
Tomorrow I will upload all the translations.
Installation of KonaKart / Installation completed
September 02, 2008, 06:23:24 pm
Hello all.
Last sunday I finished installing and customizing konakart, and now i think is time to show how it looks like.
To konakrt administrator group just say THANKS, THANKS A LOT. If you want all the translations I have in spanish, send me a email to mintxela@gmail.com.

You can have a look at http://www.samplesandshoes.com.

At this time the owners are uploading all the products, but the shopping interface is ready.
I would like to modify this method.
where can I find it?
Ok, the problem is that I dont have the source of COD payment method.
In Spain that payment method supose a 3% price increase.

And to the selected payment method?