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Messages - elisabeth

Hello, we are having a problem with the getOrderTotals in a multi-store deployment (mode 2, shared customers and products).

In order to save an order, we do:

KKEngIf kkEngine = getKonakartEngineImpl(storeId);
OrderIf order = kkEngine.createOrder(sessionId, items, languageId);
order = kkEngine.getOrderTotals(order, languageId);
// Set addresses, custom fields, ...

Where getKonakartEngineImpl(...) is a helper function which instantiates a KKWSEng object with an EngineConfiguration for the given storeId, e.g. getKonakartEngineImpl("store1") gives you an engine connected to store1.

Now, the above code works perfectly if storeId = "store1", but it fails for storeId = "store2" with the message "the order needs at least one OrderTotal object". It looks like kkEngine.getOrderTotals(...) silently fails for the second store, even though we have the same order total module configuration in both stores. We also tried installing additional modules, removing others etc. but the problem remains the same.

If we simply let the order totals be generated by the kkEngine for store1 and then copy them over to the order to be saved in store2, Konakart allows me to save the order but if we try to look at it in Konakartadmin we get a NullPointerException in the ot_total module.

Any pointers as to how we could solve this?

Thank you for your time.
Programming of KonaKart / Re: Multi-Store and SOAP
October 18, 2010, 11:05:04 am
Hello there, followup question.

Here's what we're doing:
1. Call createOrder to create an order object in store1
2. saveOrder in store1
3. saveOrder in store2

Even though the third call completes and the order is stored in the database, konakartadmin isn't displaying orders in the second store (the first store is fine tought). If I look at the database I can see the second order and it looks fine.

First we though this is because createOrder is called on the engine configured for store1, for we re-created a new order object with the engine configured for store2. But this fails: createOrder returns null because apparently the product are not available anymore. This is even though productsShared is enabled in both konakart.properties and konakartadmin.properties.

Any ideas?
Programming of KonaKart / Re: Multi-Store and SOAP
October 18, 2010, 08:01:50 am
About KKWSEng:
I was under the assumption that KKWSEng has no such constructor because it is not listed in the Javadoc: http://www.konakart.com/javadoc/client/com/konakart/app/KKWSEng.html
But if it has that solves the problem.

About multi-store mode:
You were right, it was a configuration problem.

Programming of KonaKart / Multi-Store and SOAP
October 15, 2010, 11:33:25 am

We have a KonaKart deployment and are using the SOAP interface to integrate with our existing infrastructure, but we're having problems with setting up and making use of the multi store feature (single database, mode 2).

So far we have:
- Set up multi store database.
- Configured konakart.properties, konakartadmin.properties.
- Configuring stores in konakartadmin seems to work.

The problems we have now are:

- How can we make KKWSEng connect to different stores?
    - KKWSEng only has a single constructor that takes no arguments.
    - There doesn't seem to be a function to change the current store being used

- How can we set a default store?
    - Currently, new orders are stored with an empty store id
    - We tried implementing getStoreIdFromRequest in BaseAction.java, copying the jars, and switching to KKCustomEng, but it didn't work.

Thank you for your time!
Is it possible in KonakartAdmin (v that on #kk_panel_editOrderPanel the checkbox to notfiy a customer (when the status of an order is changed)  is always unchecked by default. Currently it is by default always checked.

I looked at OrderDetail_xx.vm, but it cannot be changed there.

I also changed in #kk_panel_emailOptions the SEND_ORDER_CONF_EMAIL from 'true' to 'false'. This did not change the default setting for the checkbox.