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December 21, 2024, 05:55:03 pm

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Messages - victorius

I just restarted the total application and it works now. Thanks
Correct, but Konakart is not responding to it.
At the moment Konakart is started the system takes a default language. Is it possible to change that language to another default code that can be set by the program?
Can anybody tell me what are the name of the parms from the configuration records of Konakart to be used in different .jsp's ?
We have changed the parms in the konakartadmin for the base url for the images and the image base path.
Now within the Konakartadmin we can connect to the directory where the images are stored.

On the website we don't see the images that where connected to the product.
It seems that in the .jsp there is no connection to the configuration record of the images directory.
In the .jsp we see the following coding:

<img src="images/<%=prod.getImage()%>" border="0" alt="<%=prod.getName()%>" title=" <%=prod.getName()%> " width="<%=kkEng.getSmallImageWidth()%>" height="<%=kkEng.getSmallImageHeight()%>" hspace="5" vspace="5">

Can anybody gives us how we can connect to the configuration record in th .jsp?
Thanks for your reply. I did run these sessions and I have that table. Do I need to copy this table under the name that the programm is asking for? eg. ?dbname?.kk...... or do I need to change anything in a controll record?
I receive an error in konakartadmin when deleting a customer record:  ?dbname?.kk_wishlist' doesn't exist
Can you please let me know if I need to create an empty table and where can I find the specifications for it.
I upgraded from version to

Thanks,  I will make a module to enter the text by using a separate database file.
I will let you know when I have a solution
On the page of Konakart you have an option to read the text of :

Shipping & Returns
Privacy Notice
Conditions of Use
Contact Us

I would like to know where to enter the content.
Can you please tell me where I can enter the text for the disclaimer etc. in Konakart admin?
Yes I am using firefox. If there is no harm I wait till the new update.
My server is on 8080, and I tried to change. Then I got another error:  "version mismatch"  with an empty stack trace
Yes, I get the parameters but on the second part of the screen I get a screen that gives this message
Installation of KonaKart / error on "my store status"
January 22, 2009, 01:11:05 pm
I get an error on opening konakartadmin on the screen "My Store Status" - cannot connect to server on 8780.

Great, thanks for your help