I am writing my first KonaKart application and I am getting the following error:
13-Mar 23:14:03 DEBUG (KKAppEng.java:init:469) Entering KKAppEng Constructor()
13-Mar 23:14:03 INFO (KKAppEng.java:readPropertiesFile:398) kkAppEng using configuration file: /C:/dev/workspaces/ecommerce/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/konakart/WEB-INF/classes/konakart_app.properties
13-Mar 23:14:03 INFO (KKAppEng.java:getAServerEngineInstance:573) Engine used by application is com.konakart.app.KKEng
at com.konakart.al.KKAppEng.getEngConfCopy(KKAppEng.java:629)
at com.konakart.al.KKAppEng.getAServerEngineInstance(KKAppEng.java:600)
at com.konakart.al.KKAppEng.init(KKAppEng.java:499)
at com.konakart.al.KKAppEng.<init>(KKAppEng.java:448)
at com.acsis.actions.LoginPageAction.getKKAppEng(LoginPageAction.java:59)
at com.acsis.actions.LoginPageAction.execute(LoginPageAction.java:30)
I have built my own dynamic web app in Eclipse and use an embedded Tomcat server. My struts-config.xml and tiles-defs.xml are cut-down versions of those distributed. The web.xml is similar and the properties files are on the classpath. The KK plugin creates a KKEng at start up as I see the following in the logs:
propertiesPath = konakart.properties
mode = Single Store
storeId = store1
customersShared = false
* You may not use this software except in compliance with the licenses. *
* Please study the licenses on the KonaKart website for the rights, obligations *
* and limitations governing the use of this software. *
* For users of the Community Edition of KonaKart see: *
* http://www.konakart.com/documents/COMMUNITY-LICENSE.txt *
* For users of the Enterprise Extensions of KonaKart see: *
* http://www.konakart.com/documents/ENTERPRISE-LICENSE.txt *
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:init:272) Finished Initialising Log4j
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:init:278) Initialising konakart with the file : konakart.properties
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:initKonakart:675) KonaKart V3.2.0.0 built 9:06PM 1-Feb-2009 GMT
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:initKonakart:686) databases.used was null or empty in konakart.properties
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:init:280) Finished Initialising konakart
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:init:286) Initialising Torque with the file : /C:/dev/workspaces/ecommerce/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/konakart/WEB-INF/classes/konakart.properties
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKTorque.java:init:53) Initialising KonaKart-Torque for org.apache.torque.adapter.DBMM
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:init:294) Finished Initialising Torque
I'm hoping this is something obvious that someone can point out to me.
I am writing my first KonaKart application and I am getting the following error:
13-Mar 23:14:03 DEBUG (KKAppEng.java:init:469) Entering KKAppEng Constructor()
13-Mar 23:14:03 INFO (KKAppEng.java:readPropertiesFile:398) kkAppEng using configuration file: /C:/dev/workspaces/ecommerce/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/konakart/WEB-INF/classes/konakart_app.properties
13-Mar 23:14:03 INFO (KKAppEng.java:getAServerEngineInstance:573) Engine used by application is com.konakart.app.KKEng
at com.konakart.al.KKAppEng.getEngConfCopy(KKAppEng.java:629)
at com.konakart.al.KKAppEng.getAServerEngineInstance(KKAppEng.java:600)
at com.konakart.al.KKAppEng.init(KKAppEng.java:499)
at com.konakart.al.KKAppEng.<init>(KKAppEng.java:448)
at com.acsis.actions.LoginPageAction.getKKAppEng(LoginPageAction.java:59)
at com.acsis.actions.LoginPageAction.execute(LoginPageAction.java:30)
I have built my own dynamic web app in Eclipse and use an embedded Tomcat server. My struts-config.xml and tiles-defs.xml are cut-down versions of those distributed. The web.xml is similar and the properties files are on the classpath. The KK plugin creates a KKEng at start up as I see the following in the logs:
propertiesPath = konakart.properties
mode = Single Store
storeId = store1
customersShared = false
* You may not use this software except in compliance with the licenses. *
* Please study the licenses on the KonaKart website for the rights, obligations *
* and limitations governing the use of this software. *
* For users of the Community Edition of KonaKart see: *
* http://www.konakart.com/documents/COMMUNITY-LICENSE.txt *
* For users of the Enterprise Extensions of KonaKart see: *
* http://www.konakart.com/documents/ENTERPRISE-LICENSE.txt *
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:init:272) Finished Initialising Log4j
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:init:278) Initialising konakart with the file : konakart.properties
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:initKonakart:675) KonaKart V3.2.0.0 built 9:06PM 1-Feb-2009 GMT
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:initKonakart:686) databases.used was null or empty in konakart.properties
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:init:280) Finished Initialising konakart
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:init:286) Initialising Torque with the file : /C:/dev/workspaces/ecommerce/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/konakart/WEB-INF/classes/konakart.properties
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKTorque.java:init:53) Initialising KonaKart-Torque for org.apache.torque.adapter.DBMM
13-Mar 23:21:38 INFO (KKEng.java:init:294) Finished Initialising Torque
I'm hoping this is something obvious that someone can point out to me.