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December 28, 2024, 11:29:36 am

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Messages - fallenangel321

Having done a bit of testing with Konakart and the java api's, I am looking for how to best setup an application to include Konakart and have a few questions that if answered would help me out greatly.   I have a number of web applications developed for different clients who also seem like they would be interested in a shopping cart in their application.  So my questions are as follows:

  • Firstly, I assume this can be done but figured I'd ask to be safe, can I use the admin app at the same time I include the client side of Konakart in my application?

  • What are the required jar files for including in an application to handle the api calls for the store setup and functionality?

  • Has anyone else setup a single class library to hold their Konakart code for their web applications, so adding a cart to a new project just adds right in by adding a jar file?

  • Can someone describe the "modules" terminology for me?  I hate to sound dense, but I can't wrap my mind around what exactly an orders total module is.  Reading the Javadoc, it looks like getting an ordertotal for an order just returns an array of totals, depending on which is turned on.  Am I correct in my thinking?

Any additional advice, information, or links (I have the javadocs and the documentation) are greatly appreciated. 

Thanks so much for your time
I just wanted to let you know that the issue was indeed the space in the tomcat folder name.  Things appear to work now.  I am just curious, since there is very little specific java documentation, what jar files are exactly needed?  I currently have:

I also have the necessary database connector files. 

I am trying to setup a store-front that works with paypal, so a fairly simple setup.  I just want to make sure I don't miss anything.  If I should start a new thread for this, please let me know.

Thank you for your help, your advice about the space in the folder name was incredibly helpful.   

I am trying to integrate Konakart with a current web application.  Because Konakart has a struts framework, we cannot use the front end that comes with it.  Instead, we need to include the jar files and make the API calls to the back-end while keeping our current web application as the front-end.  I am having a bit of a rough time getting this started, Here is my setup and what I am trying to do:
I am working in Netbeans and added the jar files to the project and placed the properties file in my source package.  I am using Tomcat to deploy a war file that the project builds.  The issue is I get an error message from Konakart when trying to run the java api sample file for GetCustomer.java:

public class GetCustomer extends BaseApiExample
    private static final String usage = "Usage: GetCustomer\n" + COMMON_USAGE;

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args)
        parseArgs(args, usage, 0);

             * Get an instance of the KonaKart engine and login. The method called can be found in
             * BaseApiExample.java
            EngineConfig engConf = new EngineConfig();

             * Instantiate a KonaKart Engine
            // You can load the class by name or instantiate it directly...
            // Class engineClass = Class.forName("com.konakart.app.KKEng");
            // eng = (KKEngIf) engineClass.newInstance();
            eng = new KKEng(engConf);

            MgrFactory mgrFactory = new MgrFactory(eng);
            CustomerMgrIf mgr = mgrFactory.getCustMgr(/* new */true);
            CustomerIf cust = mgr.getCustomerForEmail(getDEFAULT_USERNAME());

            if (cust == null)
                System.out.println("Customer not found");
            } else

            System.out.println("Completed Successfully");

        } catch (Exception e)

I have the BaseApiExample.java file in the project as well.  The error is thrown at:

eng = new KKEng(engConf)

with the exception being:

com.konakart.app.KKException: org.apache.torque.TorqueException: org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException: Cannot locate configuration source /C:/Development/Tomcat%207.0.23/lib/konakart.properties

I have no idea how it got that path to look for a properties file, I don't believe I ever set anything, just put the classes in my project and tried to run them. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am stuck and frustrated at something that is probably very simple. 

Thanks, Please let me know if you need more information from me.