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Messages - ejaen

I've the same problem with Google index url's
Any idea?
Thk's in advance
Thk's for the solution i've the same problem
Ok, thk's Trevor.
      Thk's for u Reply Trevor.
Could be a possible feature in future versions?
Hi, sorry for my english.
I've a konakart ecommerce site and i'd like that the related products like accesories, appear with "Add to Car button".
I'd like this because i think that is more usable that the customer can add to the car the asociated products with 1 click.
I think that it is possible edit .jsp or java action , but it is possible vía Admin app?. I try to find any option to make this but nothing.
Thk's in advance.
   Ok, thk's for u reply.
I think that i could make this by admin app.
Recalculate option prices in .jsp.

   Hi, sorry for my english.
I try to find this topic in forum but i don't found it.
By default, the prices in combo box options are relative, meaning  that the option prices in combo appear with "+" and this prices must bee added to article prices.
I'd like that the price in option combo box appear calculated, for example if my article is 30€ and option is 10€ i'd like that this option in combo box appear with 40€.
It is possible?
Thank's in advance.
    Ups, thk's for u reply heidi.
Until , i try to find a workaround solution  :-\
Programming of KonaKart / Where is velocity.properties ?
December 24, 2009, 09:48:30 am
   Hi, my name's Emilio, i'm working in a konakart site.
I need to customize a velocity template and i need format some prices in template.
To do it, i make a Velocity Custom Directive, and i try to put in  velocity.properties like this:


and then use in velocity template.

The problem appear is that velocity engine don't read velocity.properties . I put velocity.properties in WEB-INF/classes folder
Please can u tell me if Konakart velocity engine , can't read velocity.properties file?
Thk's un advance.

Hi, thk's for u answer
I use admin app because  we make  a script to load customers and i think that i must use admin app in "batch" mode.
I change my script to use app and register customer.
Thk's for u time greg.
the problem seem's that the "_" character is a especial character to mysql, is not a bug.
And then , the problem is konakart make a "like" query to determine if the email exist's in database.
I use Konakart 3.2 version.
I'm wrong?
Thk's in advance
Hi, how do u do.
I have a problem when I try to insert a customer with email paco_joyero@hotmail.com because the app say me that the customer already exist in database.(Internal error. A customer with email address = paco_joyero@hotmail.com should not exist at this point in the method. Contact KonaKart support.)
I think's that the problem is because the app, look if the customer with this email exist like:

mysql> SELECT count(*)  FROM customers WHERE customers.customers_email_address LIKE '%paco_joyero@hotmail.com%';
| count(*) |
|        1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

But this email already not exist in database

mysql> SELECT customers.customers_email_address  FROM customers WHERE customers.customers_email_address LIKE '%paco_joyero@hotmail.com%';
| customers_email_address |
| paco.joyero@hotmail.com |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The query return other mail "paco.joyero@hotmail.com" , and the insert fail.
Please, can u help me? I'm lookig for a mysql bug in google and forum but i can't find nothing.

MySQL Version:mysqladmin  Ver 8.41 Distrib 5.0.51a, for debian-linux-gnu on i486

Thk's in advance
Configuration of KonaKart / Re: How to disable reviews
September 24, 2009, 06:57:51 am
Ok, thk's very much Trevor.
Configuration of KonaKart / How to disable reviews
September 23, 2009, 10:18:58 pm
    Hi how do u do.
I'm try to customize konakart. My customer don't need the review field, and i need disable.  I think that have two ways to make this.
1.- Modify  jsp's to eliminate review filed.
2.- Throw the admin console?

I'd like make with option 2, but it is posible? I can disable review fiield using konakart administration?
I try to set Configuration>Maximim Values>New Reviews to 0, but don't work.

Thk's in advance.
Yes, this feature is very , very good. User log in and customer recover u basket and wish list.  The "only problem" is the user must log in, but as u telle me, this situation is very
Thank's for u time Trevor.