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Messages - ecommdev

Configuration of KonaKart / Re: SEO Config.
November 11, 2009, 03:29:32 pm
Maybe, I should clarify this--

"Then when you select a Category"

What i mean by this is if you run the sever with the above SEO config and go to the welcome page and attempt to click on a category, you will get an infinite redirect loop that never completes. In IE it sits there for ever -in Moz, it returns an error.

Configuration of KonaKart / SEO Config.
November 10, 2009, 07:05:32 pm
Hi guys,

Just a note, I am not sure if this is by design or an error:

If you set:


in Messages.properties

Then when you select a Category, a infinite redirect begins. When you set seo.product.category=category, it stops.

Just though you would like to know.
Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Tomcat SSL - How to
November 05, 2009, 04:28:59 pm
I know this has been closed for a while but SSL cert is one of the most painful things when its not going right.

I used the godaddy cert, i think the keytool call required is:

keytool.exe -certreq -sigalg MD5withRSA -alias godaddy -file C:\Users\Administrator.OTL01\godaddy.csr

rather than

keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file your_file_name_here.csr

I prefer to use the alias godaddy for the csr (the request cert) and tomcat for the actual certificate.

Also, another note: If you are looking at clustering, you will probably have your tomcat instances behind something like apache. Therefore apache will handle the ssl, currently apache is unable to pull a cert from a keytool (annoying for security) - in which case there is no point in loading the cert into the keytool. But use the keytool to generate the csr.

Good luck with it,



I know this is an old topic, however i had the same problem on MySQL 5.0.81. I resolved it by creating a default customer in the Admin application.

Just thought you would like to know..