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Messages - chloeloves


I'm looking to upgrade to Konakart 5 in order to use the gift certificate functionality.

I have one question:

How does konakart handle left over balances of gift certificates?

For example, if a customer received a $100 gift certificate, but only used $75 worth in an order, what happens to the remaining $25.  Does konakart handle that out of the box, or is some sort of customization required for this?


Thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure I made this clear in the first post, but in my situation the stock level never falls to zero.  Thats whats puzzling to me.  I log into the admin tool and i see a bunch of products that are marked as out of stock, but each of them have a sku quantity level greater than 0. 

I think I found a hack tho, because it hasn't been doing in in a while.  I set the global reorder level to a really high number (1000), and in my reorder integration manager I always set the product status = in stock no matter what.  So far, I haven't seen any of my products mysteriously transition to out of stock.

I am having an issue that I just can't seem to resolve.

In my store, I do not want to have the concept of sold out items.  I just want to display them and mark them as sold out.  I also have set the can order when not in stock value to false on most of my products.

Most of my products have product options, and I have been configuring the products with a quantity of 0 at the product level, and a quantity of greater than 0 at the sku level.

For some reason, no matter what the case, a product is transitioned to the out of stock state by konakart.  I'm not sure where this is being done in your engine, but it is being done.

I even went as far as overiding the reorder method in the reorder mgr to always set the status to in stock, but still some way or another a product will move to the out of stock state.

Is there a know issue of some sort?  When i configure the quanities at the product option level, do i have to have values for SKU and availablilty date?  Is there something else you can think of ?

public void reorder(int productId, String sku, int currentQuantity) throws Exception
        log.info("Reorder required for product id = " + productId + " and sku = " + sku
                + " . The remaining quantity is " + currentQuantity);
        ProductIf theProduct = getEng().getProduct(null, productId, 1);
        if(theProduct != null && theProduct.getCanOrderWhenNotInStock() == false) {
        CLCEngine clcEngine = (CLCEngine) ApplicationContext.getContext().getBean(CLCEngine.CONTEXT_NAME);
        // just always keep the items in stock, we have other logic that will display
        // it as out of stock on the site.
        clcEngine.getProductManager().updateProductStatus(productId, ProductManager.IN_STOCK);
Configuration of KonaKart / konakart.propeties location
September 23, 2010, 09:58:36 pm
Is there anyway for me to configure the KKEng to use a konakart.properties files that i specify?

I'd like to maintain 2 copies of the property files - one for dev, and one for production.  I'd like to be able to have konakart load the configuration based on what environment I am in.  I saw that in the struts-config.xml there is a plugin that specifies the path to the properties file, but if I change that to a bogus properties file (i.e dummy.properties), it seems to still load the konakart.properties file.

I was just curious, what data if any does your product hold in the HTTP session object.

I am just wondering if it is worth it for me to come up with a solution for session replication or session affinity in a distributed environment (like terracotta web sessions).

I know the cart is persisted to a database. 

Is there anything of importance that I should be aware of that is stored in memory and not in the database?

If a user logs on an establishes a session on box A, what will be lost if the user transistions to box b?

Thanks in advance.


Programming of KonaKart / Product Quantity (aggregated)
February 24, 2010, 06:26:59 pm
What is the most efficient way to retrieve a products aggregated quantity?

In other words, if a product has multiple options, is there an out of the box way to retrieve the sum of the product option quantities.

Right now I am performing somewhat of a hack to get this.

public static int getAggreatedStockLevelsForProduct(KKEngIf engine, ProductIf product) throws KKException {
if(product == null) return 0;

int productQuantity = 0;
OptionIf[] opts = product.getOpts();

if(opts!= null && opts.length > 0){
for(int i=0; i<opts.length; i++){
        OptionIf option = opts[i];
        StringBuffer encodedString = new StringBuffer();
            ProductQuantityIf quantity  = engine.getProductQuantity(encodedString.toString());
            productQuantity += quantity.getQuantity();
}else {
productQuantity = product.getQuantity();
        return productQuantity;

I would like to know the quantiy available for a given product on the category page, so I am afraid that if a category has a large amount of products, the above method call for each product would slow things down.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks for the help julie!

I actually figured it out...

I guess the confusion was that I was looking at the wrong API...
On which api? i dont see it?do you mean the prodmgr api?

Is there an example I can reference

Remember, i do not want product level quanties...but sku level
Programming of KonaKart / Quantity at the Category Page
November 10, 2009, 11:58:29 am

I am new to the Konakart community, and I have a simple question.

I'd like to display a message to my users on the ProductsBody page that will alert them of the stock level of a certain item.

I plan to maintain stock levels at the sku level (i.e blue shirt = 1, red shirt = 12).  I see there is a way to get at the stock item levels using the CartItem object, but I would like to display them before an item is added to the cart.

For example, if the user is on a category page and the aggregated stock level of a certain product is below a threshold, I would like to alert the user.  Something like "Act now! Only 2 left!".

What is the best way of accomplishing this?   I was browsing thru the Javadocs and I see the ProductQuantitiesIF class, but I am not sure of what is the most practical / efficient way of using this feature.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

