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Konakart Admin JSP logs being written to global stderr.log

Started by eurov, April 22, 2009, 02:03:34 pm

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I'm having an issue where the logs from Konakart are being written my hosting server's global stderr.log rather than my local area.

Through the Konakart Admin Console I configured the path for the logs to be /home/myAccountName/public_html/webapps.  I also tried changing the logging option to 'Off'.  However these JSP logs are still being written to the global stderr.log

I'd appreciate some advise on how I can:
1) Get these logs to write to the correct location in my account
2) How I can ensure that all logging is turned off so that the hosting company will reactivate my account.

Please see logs that are being written to stderr.log below.

Many thanks,

20-Apr 13:15:54 DEBUG (?:getMsgs:?) getMsgs(): languageCode = null
20-Apr 13:15:55 DEBUG (?:getMsgs:?) Read Message Catalog at /home/myAccountName/public_html/webapps/evsadmin/WEB-INF/classes/AdminMessages.properties
20-Apr 13:15:55 DEBUG (?:getMsgs:?) AdminMessageSet:
Language = en
Timestamp = 1240258555032
Total Msgs = 874
application.title = KonaKart Admin Application
language.dir = en
button.add = Add
button.addToProm = Manage Promotions
button.api.calls = Show API Calls
button.back = Back
button.cancel = Cancel
button.clear = Clear
button.close = Close
button.coupons = Coupons
button.customer = Customer
button.delete = Delete
button.deleteOption = Delete Option
button.deleteOptionValue = Delete Option Value
button.edit = Edit
button.email = Email
button.insert = Insert
button.install = Install
button.invoice = Invoice
button.ipn = Payment Info
button.lessDetail = Less Detail
button.login = Login
button.mapping = Mapping
button.moreDetail = More Detail
button.move = Move
button.new = New
button.newOption = New Option
button.newOptionValue = New Option Value
button.no = No
button.ok = OK
button.orders = Orders
button.packingSlip = Packing Slip
button.panels = Show Panels
button.print = Print
button.privileges = Privileges
button.products = Products
button.refresh = Refresh
button.reload = Reload
button.remove = Remove
button.reset = Reset
button.resetPwd = Reset Password
button.returns = Returns
button.rules = Rules
button.run = Run
button.save = Save
button.saveToFile = Save To File
button.search = Search
button.select = Select
button.send = Send
button.tagGroups = Tag Groups
button.tags = Tags
button.upload = Upload
button.yes = Yes
button.help.addToProm = A coupon may be associated with more than one promotion. Click here to manage the promotions associated with this coupon.
button.help.mapping = Open a new window to map the selected tax area to zones
button.help.new = Click 'New' to begin entering a new record, then define the record, then click 'Save' to save it
panel.adminApp = Admin App Configuration
panel.auditConfig = Security and Auditing
panel.audit = Audit Data
panel.about = About the KonaKart Admin Application
panel.addressFormats = Address Formats
panel.cache = Cache
panel.categories = Categories
panel.configFiles = Configuration Files
panel.configuration = Configuration
panel.countries = Countries
panel.coupons = Coupons
panel.couponsFromProm = Coupons For Promotions
panel.createProduct = Create Product
panel.currencies = Currencies
panel.customerCommunications = Customer Communications
panel.customerDetails = Customer Details
panel.customerGroups = Customer Groups
panel.customerOrders = Customer Orders
panel.customers = Customers
panel.customPanelConfig = Custom Panel Config
panel.custom = Custom
panel.custom1 = Custom1
panel.custom2 = Custom2
panel.custom3 = Custom3
panel.custom4 = Custom4
panel.custom5 = Custom5
panel.custom6 = Custom6
panel.custom7 = Custom7
panel.custom8 = Custom8
panel.custom9 = Custom9
panel.custom10 = Custom10
panel.custom1Header = Custom1 Header
panel.custom2Header = Custom2 Header
panel.custom3Header = Custom3 Header
panel.custom4Header = Custom4 Header
panel.custom5Header = Custom5 Header
panel.custom6Header = Custom6 Header
panel.custom7Header = Custom7 Header
panel.custom8Header = Custom8 Header
panel.custom9Header = Custom9 Header
panel.custom10Header = Custom10 Header
panel.deleteSessions = Delete Expired Sessions
panel.digitalDownloadConfig = Digital Downloads
panel.download = Downloads


I can't say much about how your ISP has set things up but I can tell you about KonaKart logging.

QuoteThrough the Konakart Admin Console I configured the path for the logs to be /home/myAccountName/public_html/webapps. 

This doesn't affect the logging you're concerned about.  This is just for defining a location for certain log files created by the system.

QuoteI also tried changing the logging option to 'Off'.  However these JSP logs are still being written to the global stderr.log

On the Admin App panel where you made this change, click on the blue question mark (at the top right) to access the help for this area.
For convenience, here is an extract:

To see diagnostic logging from the KonaKart Admin App you need to set the Admin App logging level to a level higher than OFF (for example set it to "INFO") and ensure that the log4j.logger.com.konakart.clientlogging value in konakartadmin/WEB-INF/classes/konakart-logging.properties is set to the same level (or higher) (for example set it to "INFO" or "DEBUG").

You can edit that konakart-logging.properties file from the Edit Config Files configuration menu option.

The KonaKart log file directory is the location where certain KonaKart diagnostic log files are written eg. payment gateway response log files, velocity results files etc. This is also for diagnostics only and no log files are written unless other debug flags are set elsewhere.

So... you need to make sure that you set debugging to WARN in konakart-logging.properties if you don't want DEBUG logging which is what it's currently set to.

I'm puzzled because the default state when you first install KonaKart is to have the logging set to WARN so that you wouldn't see this logging detail...  so somewhere along the line, it has been changed.

QuoteI'd appreciate some advise on how I can:
1) Get these logs to write to the correct location in my account
2) How I can ensure that all logging is turned off so that the hosting company will reactivate my account.

My advice would be to look for a different hosting company.    ;)