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Konakart CategoriesTile.jsp

Started by ada_v, April 23, 2009, 12:19:07 pm

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Probably it is a very simple question, but because I'm new in KonaKart I meet lready with a problem :-)

- how can I list all the categories and subcategories in CategoriesTile
- I tried to do something like this:

<logic:iterate id="cat" name="catList" type="com.konakart.appif.CategoryIf">   
   <html:link page="/SelectCat.do" paramId="catId" paramName="cat" paramProperty="id">
      <%for (int i = 0; i < cat.getLevel(); i++){%>
      <% }%>
      <logic:iterate id="cat" name="subCatArray" type="com.konakart.appif.CategoryIf">
         <html:link page="/SelectCat.do" paramId="catId" paramName="cat" paramProperty="id">


Can anyone say me how it is wrong or how could I do this?

Thank in advance.


If you call the getCats() method of the category manager, it contains the whole of the category tree.