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Storing Credit Card info and Retrieving credit Card info

Started by vetri, May 27, 2014, 01:46:01 pm

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I am trying to save creditcard information in Konakart-System using kkAppEng.getEng().setCreditCardDetailsOnOrder(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), order.getId(), cc); in PaymentAction.java , I see that in Konakart-System's db it is getting saved in E1,E2....E4 fields, It encrypts and gets saved.

My Question is How do i retrieve this card information for my later use. I see that in OrderMgrIf doesn't have Access to E1,E2,..... fields Even if retrieve them how do i decrypt them?

I need this Card information for later use.

Is there any way to store CreditCard Info in respective fields cc_cvv,cc_owner in Action Class. ( When I set order's cccvv, ccexpire,etc in order it doesn't update order with these values)

Update Order                   
                                             kkAppEng.getEng().updateOrder(kkAppEng.getSessionId(), order.getId(),
                                             com.konakart.bl.OrderMgr.PAYMENT_RECEIVED_STATUS, /* customerNotified */
                                             sendEmail, comment, updateOrder);
In this case it just updates order status.

Thanks in Advance,