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Issue in Image upload through admin portal

Started by pooja, June 14, 2014, 02:39:15 am

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I am using community version of konakart  I have deployed it on the remote server.

I am trying to add a new product using admin portal. But when I upload an image, it does not work.
I have set the config as:
Image base URL: http://xyz.no.me:8080/konakart/images/
Image base path: /Users/abc/installed_software/konakart/webapps/konakart/images

When I select an image and click on upload, it shows at the bottom "uploading" and upload starts , but at the end nothing happens and image does not get uploaded, while the same thing works on my local machine.

Am I missing something here or is there any issue with the paths?
Please help me.

Thanks in advance.


One more thing, 'Images' tab in the 'Edit product' menu shows image path at the bottom.
e.g. /prod/2/7/B/E/
But it does not get created on the server.

And also, I don't understand how that path is generated. Whether it is random or something else.

Thank you.


The directory won't be created until you upload an image.

To find out about the image path take a look at konakartadmin_gwt.properties:

# Image Scaling
# Only relevant to the images.tab.version = 2 (new images tab introduced with v6.5.0.0)
# Default, if not specified is "big;360;360 medium;150;150 small;80;80 tiny;60;60"
# For each size defn this is   name;height;width
# This means that for any uploaded image these four images are created with the following characteristics:
# Image 1:  {product_UUID}_1_big.XXX (360x360 pixels)
#        :  {product_UUID}_1_medium.XXX (150x150 pixels)
#        :  {product_UUID}_1_small.XXX (80x80 pixels)
#        :  {product_UUID}_1_tiny.XXX (60x60 pixels)
# XXX = the original file extension (used if add_extension is not set to false - see below)
# Retaining the original aspect ratio:
# Use big;;300     to create an image with width 300 pixels and unspecified height to retain aspect ratio
# Use big;200;     to create an image with height 200 pixels and unspecified width to retain aspect ratio
# Create a version identical to the original:
# Use big;;        to create an image with the same height and width as the original

# For best results order the images definitions from large to small
#fbc.kk_panel_editProduct.images.options                    = big;360;360 medium;150;150 small;80;80 tiny;60;60

# Defines whether or not to append a period and an extension to the generated image file names:
#fbc.kk_panel_editProduct.images.add_extension              = false

# Defines how many images are displayed for editing on the Edit Product panel (default is 8)
#fbc.kk_panel_editProduct.images.max                        = 8

# Defines the depth of the directory tree used for constructing image file names (default is 4)
# If 0 is used, all images will placed in the same directory under the Image Base Path
# If >0 the file path is created by using directories named by the first n characters of the UUID
# The purpose of the directory tree for images is to avoid having too many files in each directory so
# you should choose use a high value for the depth if you have a very large number of images.
#fbc.kk_panel_editProduct.images.dir.depth                  = 4

# Defines the name of a directory that will be used to construct a filename for storing the product
# images.  This directory (defaults to "prod") will be added to the Image Base defined for the store.
# It can be left blank if you want no product image directory added at all.
#fbc.kk_panel_editProduct.images.dir.name                   = prod

To diagnose image uploading problems look at your tomcat (or appserver) log.

Try adding the log flag:
log4j.logger.com.konakartadmin.servlet        =  DEBUG