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How replace a dropdown with a Textbox in konakartadmin login dialogue

Started by sureshbabubv, April 14, 2010, 11:13:10 am

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I am using the community version.

I would like replace a dropdown with a Textbox in konakartadmin login dialogue,

plz give me steps how to do it.




There is no droplist in the KonaKart Admin login dialogue in the Community version.


Hi Greg,

Sorry, for a mistake in my post

I am using konakart enterprise trail version

I would like replace a dropdown with a Textbox in konakartadmin login dialogue,

plz give me steps how to do it.



The drop list exists if their are multiple stores so that you can choose your store during login. You can't change it to a text box without changing the source code of the admin app.


Hi trevor,

Thanks for your quick reply.

Can I replace the gwt login dialoge with a normal html form which will accept the storename, username and password and the request will be submitted to a struts action class which will verify the login credentials and will forward to admin pannel.

I wrote the following code for the same

  ActionForward  actionforward =null;
Class engineClass = Class.forName("com.konakartadmin.bl.KKAdmin");
         KKAdminIf  eng = (KKAdminIf ) engineClass.newInstance();

           String sessionId = eng.login("admin@konakart.com", "kona123");
         // String sessionId = eng.login(request.getParameter("userName"), request.getParameter("passWord"));
            StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer("/#kk_panel_status?id=2&sess="+sessionId);
         System.out.println("stringbuffer: "+stringbuffer);
         actionforward = new ActionForward(stringbuffer.toString(), true);
       return actionforward;

but still I am getting the gwt login dialogue, instead of store admin panel

can you please suggest me where I did the mistake?

Thanks & Regards,
B.V.Suresh Babu


You can't do that with the current version of the Admin App.