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not all info coming back after SOAP call

Started by ryanlynch, September 01, 2008, 07:47:04 am

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Hi there -- I have been experimenting with web services API and it seems to be working insomuch as I get a response, but the responses don't seem to be complete. For example, the call getCustomerForId(sess, custid) returns:

custom4: null
globalProdNotifier: 0
accountCreated: null
lastLogon: null
id: 2
orders: null
enabled: false
accountLastModified: null
password: null
faxNumber: null
gender: null
custom1: null
groupId: 0
promotionTimesUsed: 0
custom3: null
defaultAddr: [object Object]
lastName: null
firstName: null
promotionMaxUse: 0
defaultAddrId: 0
custom2: null
emailAddr: admin@konakart.com
addresses: null
productNotifications: null
birthDate: null
numberOfLogons: 0
type: 0
custom5: null
roles: null
newsletter: null
telephoneNumber: null

This is strange because first and last name appear in the database... any ideas??


That's strange. What do you get back using the normal API ?


the normal API doesn't seem to be working either.... getCustomerForId() returns all of the expected values, however.. which I suppose provides me with a workaround... I am also considering using the getCustomers() method, but am a little confused as to how to send the "AdminCustomerSearch search" argument through the SOAP request... are there any examples of this around?



I've just run one of the examples that we ship : KonaKart\java_api_examples\src\com\konakartadmin\apiexamples\GetCustomerExamples which works for me (finds first name and last name) using the normal engine, the custom engine and the web services engine. I'd try to get that to work before going any further.