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How to set customer notify checkbox always to unchecked on editOrderPanel

Started by elisabeth, September 06, 2010, 10:17:14 am

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Is it possible in KonakartAdmin (v that on #kk_panel_editOrderPanel the checkbox to notfiy a customer (when the status of an order is changed)  is always unchecked by default. Currently it is by default always checked.

I looked at OrderDetail_xx.vm, but it cannot be changed there.

I also changed in #kk_panel_emailOptions the SEND_ORDER_CONF_EMAIL from 'true' to 'false'. This did not change the default setting for the checkbox.


Hello Elisabeth,

We made this programmable in version 5.1.  Each order status  can be given a default send email attribute. I believe you should have a copy of 5.1 with this new functionality.

As far as I'm aware it's not something that was configurable in version 4.2.