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Importar projeto Konakart para o eclipse

Started by alancapano, July 08, 2011, 05:10:42 pm

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Konakartes Hi,

I am almost 3 hours trying to add Konakart the project in Eclipse, but I'm not getting ...

I do not have much experience with Java. If anyone can help me with a more detailed tutorial ...



Quote from: alancapano on July 08, 2011, 05:10:42 pm
Konakartes Hi,

I am almost 3 hours trying to add Konakart the project in Eclipse, but I'm not getting ...

I do not have much experience with Java. If anyone can help me with a more detailed tutorial ...



Do any of these hints help you:  http://www.konakart.com/forum/index.php/topic,1447.msg5765.html#msg5765  ?

To work with KonaKart it really helps if you know your way around standard java web applications.


Quote from: greg on July 08, 2011, 06:51:03 pm
Do any of these hints help you:  http://www.konakart.com/forum/index.php/topic,1447.msg5765.html#msg5765  ?

To work with KonaKart it really helps if you know your way around standard java web applications.

Eu já procurei em todo o fórum, porém o único tópico que eu achei com uma explicação mais detalhada foi esse: http://www.konakart.com/forum/index.php/topic,501.0.html

Com relação ao pdf que eles disponibilizam, eu não consegui entender os bats.

Eu sei um pouco sobre JSP, JAVA, Struts, JSF, servers, etc. Só não consegui rodas o ecommerce dentro do eclipse e é nisso que eu preciso de ajuda.

Desculpe alguns erros no meu inglês, pois sou do Brasil e estou aprendendo ainda...


Perhaps you could start by creating a sample Eclipse webapp project and get that running.    Next you could create the KonaKart Eclipse project and compare the structure of that with the Eclipse sample.   Maybe that would help you to get started?



Thanks for helping get the server up.

I'll try to make the necessary changes and any other questions I post here!