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Konakart Admin log4j Configuration

Started by Asset, August 18, 2011, 01:09:30 pm

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Dears ,
  Regarding the logging of Konakart Admin ,  What i understood that it uses log4j and it is configured on konakart-logging.properties located under webapps\konakartadmin\WEB-INF\classes

first i couldn't find any file named konakart.log , that was defined in the properties file.
I changed the location , in addition to debug level as follows :

log4j.logger.com.konakart                     = DEBUG
log4j.logger.com.konakartadmin                = DEBUG

and nothing was written !

any idea what should i do to make it work , to be able to trace things !

Best Regards,


it works normally , I just forgot to add the KonaKartAppender to rootlogger :)