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Adding new AdminTags using AdminTagMgr

Started by tms, November 04, 2015, 11:44:30 am

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I am trying to add an array of AdminTag using the AdminTagMgr. I am extending BaseApiExample.java

List < AdminTag > adminTags = new ArrayList < > ();

lookupConsumer.getChildren().forEach(child - > {
    AdminTag adminTag = new AdminTag();
    adminTag.setTagGroups(new AdminTagGroup[] {adminTagGroup});

try {
    AdminTag[] arr = adminTags.toArray(new AdminTag[adminTags.size()]);
    adminTagMgr.insertTags(sessionId, arr);
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println(String.format("Unable to add tags: %s", e));

When I run this, only the first tag is saved, even though they have completely differnt names. Adding tags with the same name in the admin application is no problem so I do not understand why this is failing.
I have removed all languages but the default English.

com.konakartadmin.app.KKAdminException: Exception Message = (org.apache.torque.TorqueException) - org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "kk_tag_pkey"
  Detail: Key (tag_id, language_id)=(4, 1) already exists.

Do I need to fill out the ID of the AdminTag my self ? Shouldn't the AdminTag's ID be created automatically on insert ?


     * Insert an array of Tag objects - provide a Tag record for each supported language.
     * @param sessionId
     *            session Id of logged in Admin user
     * @param tags
     *            the array of AdminTag objects to insert - do not fill out the Id on these (set
     *            them to -1) as this will be created. It is assumed that all of these tags will
     *            have the same ID, and there will be one for each language.
     * @return the id of the AdminTag object created
     * @throws KKAdminException
    public int insertTags(String sessionId, AdminTag[] tags) throws KKAdminException;

The API call is intended for tags with the same id but different languages. If you only have one language then you can use :

     * Insert a new Tag object
     * @param sessionId
     *            session Id of logged in Admin user
     * @param tag
     *            the new AdminTag object to insert - do not fill out the Id (set it to -1) as this
     *            will be created
     * @return the id of the AdminTag object created
     * @throws KKAdminException
    public int insertTag(String sessionId, AdminTag tag) throws KKAdminException;


The documentation for com.konakartadmin.bl.AdminTagMgr.insertTag is a little bit off in the JavaDoc. KonaKart

It states there that the Id should not be filled out.


public int insertTag(java.lang.String sessionId, AdminTag tag) throws java.lang.Exception

Insert a new Tag object. If associated TagGroups are included in the tag object (i.e. not null and at least one of them) these are also added to the kk_tag_group_to_tag table.
Specified by:
insertTag in interface AdminTagMgrIf
sessionId - session Id of logged in Admin user
tag - the new AdminTag object to insert - do not fill out the Id (unless inserting a tag for a new language) as this will be created. If the tag specifies -1 (KonakartAdminConstants.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ID) for the languageId, we set the id of the default language before inserting)
the id of the AdminTag object created
Throws: java.lang.Exception

However in your JavaDoc, it says "do not fill out the Id (set it to -1) as this will be created". Setting the id as -1 looks awfully lot like filling out the id variable.

Shouldn't  the id variable in AdminTag be set to -1 in the constructor by default if the default behavior should be to create a new id ?