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Kona causing invisible text w/dark CSS palette

Started by Burz, December 20, 2007, 05:59:49 am

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I have modified the CSS file in konakart with a dark palette. The .infoBoxContents background, for instance, is set to black and the body text is set to a whitish-gray.

The problem occurs when clicking 'Checkout' as an unregistered user. It asks for email addr, then sends me to the 'My Delivery Details' form. THIS form has some kind of field validation javascript that changes the field background color as I type. The fields start out as black on white, then after typing about 2 char they turn pink... then after about 4 char they turn black-on-black.

I find this to be a very HHGTTG situation.

How should I tame this sleek, super-liminal beast?


Hi Burz,

It sounds like you're having problemswhen you go into the one-page checkout code which is not JSP code but Google GWT code  (although I've never seen it act this way before).

You have three solutions, are least...

Change your CSS changes so that they are more compatible with what the one page checkout does (eg. they are compatible with the default installation).

Another is to modify the Google GWT code (which is supplied) to act as you wish.

Another is to configure your store not to use the one page checkout but the original JSP solution.

By the way, I'd upgrade to if you can...



Hi Burz,

We do have javascript field validation which turns the fields a different color if they don't validate. The validation is normally based on minimum / maximum lengths and whether fields are compulsory or not. The styles we choose are as follows:

.konakart-TextBox {
   background-color: white;

Chosen when the field validates....

.konakart-TextBox-Invalid {
   background-color: #ffb3b5;

chosen when the field doesn't validate....

By modifying these two styles, hopefully you should be able to achieve your desired effect.



Thanks Kate and Ryan,

I have tried the .konakart-TextBox approach and it seems to have resolved the problem.

Thanks for your suggestions!