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Existing Tomcat

Started by rfreitas, July 17, 2008, 02:08:11 pm

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Sorry if this question is already answered some where, but I couldn't find it.

I have a website that runs on Tomcat - Linux, and am going to add KonaKart.  If I do the full install with the KonaKart packaged Tomcat, will it mess up anything with my existing Tomcat? 

Can they both run on the same server?

Would I then have to link to the shopping cart from my site using the KonaKart Tomcat port?



Hi Ronnie,

You have quite a few choices..

By default, KonaKart will install so that it listens on 8780.    Your existing tomcat probably listens on something else like 8080 so they can both run together without problems.  You should check in the two server.xml files to ensure you don't have port clashes.

You could link your existing site to the KonaKart tomcat if you like or you could copy the webapps from the KonaKart installation across to your existing tomcat installation.  (or you could create WARs of each, then move these, if you prefer).

Another alternative is to move your existing site across to the new KonaKart tomcat... 

I don't know the level of integration you're seeking to achieve..  You might find running KonaKart separately in its own tomcat advantageous as it would allow you to run it on another machine - plus it would be easier to diagnose any problems because it would be a vanilla installation. (If the tomcats are different versons and have conflicting jars, you might like these to be as independent as possible!).

There are many considerations and options...



Great, thanks.

One follow up question.  If I keep them separate and link to the KonaKart tomcat from my site, is the port 8780 going to show in the URL to the users?

Thanks again.


Yes, unless you take some action to stop that.

Do your users see the port number for your existing tomcat site?   If not, perhaps you can use the same technique to not show the KonaKart port?

If you have Apache in front of your existing tomcat you could make both tomcats appear to be on port 80...

Again, lots of options.

BTW, can you send the URL of your existing site?



Oh ok.  Yes Apache is on the front end.


I am adding a Fishing Store to the site.



Hi Ronnie,

Good luck with your fishing shop.  With Apache in front you should be able to do exactly what you need.



Hi ming,
   I've installed KonaKart successfully with the KonaKart- Now I want to move KonaKart to an existing Tomcat on the same machine. I copied the webapps from the KonaKart installation across to my existing tomcat installation. When I opened "http://localhost/konakart/Welcome.do";, I got a blank page. And I found following messages in tomcat log file:

18-九月 10:36:13 ERROR (ApplicationDispatcher.java:invoke:711) Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/jsp/Header.jsp(49,39) Attribute value n.split(";")[1] is quoted with " which must be escaped when used within the value......

The complete log file is attached.
Many thanks in advance.


Which version of tomcat did you move it to?


In your version of Header.jsp... you will see the line:  (on line 50)

&raquo;&nbsp;<html:link page="<%=n.split(";")[1]%>"><%=n.split(";")[0]%></html:link>

Try changing this to:
&raquo;&nbsp;<html:link page='<%=n.split(";")[1]%>'><%=n.split(";")[0]%></html:link>



it works!!  ;D
thanks a lot!!
My Tomcat version is 6.0