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Multiple images.

Started by Mintxela, September 07, 2008, 07:56:55 pm

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I have changed my jsp to show multiple images for each product reading the imagepath from prod.getImage2() method.
My actual problem is hoy to send to ShowImageBody.jsp the selected image from ProductDetailsBody.jsp.
I tried to send a new parameter in the html: link but I´m having problems because that attribute is not set in TDL files.

Any other way to make this?


Within ShowImageBody.jsp doesn't it work if you change it to:

<html:link page="/SelectProd.do" paramId="prodId" paramName="prod" paramProperty="id"><img src="images/<%=prod.getImage2()%>" border......


not what I need.
what I need is to send the image I need to be displayed as a parameter in order to be able to enlarge each image.


You could put the image you want, in one of the product custom attributes.


That was what I was trying now but.....
¿how can I set that?

<html:link page="/ShowImage.do" paramId="prodId" customfield1="????" paramName="prod" paramProperty="id" >


<html:link page="/SelectProd.do" paramId="prodId" paramName="prod" paramProperty="id"><img src="images/<%=prod.getCustom1()%>" border......