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Getting null on "getBasketItemsPerCustomer"...

Started by GrapeApe, February 20, 2009, 05:24:16 am

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Here's my sample code (modified from java_api_examples).  See my "NOTE" comments around critical lines. 

           BasketIf item1 = new Basket();
           // Set the product id for the basket item
           item1.setProductId(PROD_ID); //NOTE: PROD_ID = 29...legal product
           // Set the quantity of products to buy
           // Add this basket item to the basket
           //hardcode customer id
           int basketId = eng.addToBasket(sessionId, 10, item1); //NOTE: customerId is hardcoded legit id.  sessionId is non-null
            * Now that we have two different products in our basket, we can get the engine to
            * create an order for us.
           // Retrieve the basket items from the engine. We need to save them and then read them
           // back, because the engine populates many attributes that are required to create the
           // order
           BasketIf[] items = eng.getBasketItemsPerCustomer(sessionId, 10, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
                //NOTE: items here is null, even though I just added an item to the basket above!

Any help is appreciated!

- Friendly Furball


Are you aware of the following (from the javadoc) ?

QuoteIf the customer is logged in to the application, then a valid sessionId is required and the customerId is ignored. Otherwise, the sessionId may be set to null and the method will use the customerId, ensuring that the customer is not a registered customer by checking that the customerId is negative. All registered customers have positive ids.

I would try again with a sessionId that you get after performing a login.


Quote from: trevor on February 20, 2009, 01:43:28 pm
Are you aware of the following (from the javadoc) ?

QuoteIf the customer is logged in to the application, then a valid sessionId is required and the customerId is ignored. Otherwise, the sessionId may be set to null and the method will use the customerId, ensuring that the customer is not a registered customer by checking that the customerId is negative. All registered customers have positive ids.

I would try again with a sessionId that you get after performing a login.

The sessionId is a non-null value returned from eng.login (not included in the snippet above).  The username I hardcoded the customerId as a "grasping-at-straws" measure.  Perhaps there's something about the configuration of the Customer associated to the email/password used to login?


Also, here's my engine instantiation for further elucidation:

           Class engineClass = Class.forName("com.konakart.app.KKEng");
           eng = (KKEngIf) engineClass.newInstance();

- Lovable Purple Primate


Must use a product id of a product that's actually in the database.  I'd inadvertantly deleted this particular id at some point.

Problem solved.  Thanks for the assist...

- Big Hairy Mammal