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Started by chirantan, October 04, 2007, 12:37:23 pm

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hey ,
I am getting this problem for 1 week....
I have posted for this before.. but.. no solution..

Actually I installed Konakart with ms sql server 2005 ,.
But main problem is that we can see or retrive the new data from
Konakart tables but when ever we tried to enter new record from front end it creates probelm
If tried to enter New data at the Data base level then it is doing it,.

from front end when ever 1 try to enter new record
I alwaya get this error
org.apache.torque.TorqueException: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Can't start a cloned connection while in manual transaction mode.

Hey one more thing when i was entering the record at Db level into the customer table.
The customer Id jump from 1 to 9 then 12
so its like i got the info that there are 3 records in Db
but cant see  them


Hello Chirantan,

I thought you had solved the problem.

Did you not try what was suggested in the post from Trevor?  http://www.konakart.com/forum/index.php/topic,76.msg334.html#msg334

Your error looks like the one discussed here:  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/313181

Note again the setting of the SelectMethod.

Ensure you have changed both of your properties files and restarted tomcat.



this solution will not work for ms sql 2005 driver....



??? I'm puzzled by your response because it works for my driver.

I use the MS SQL Server drivers out of the download kit and set the URL as mentioned below.  It works fine.

Are you sure you're not picking up some other drivers?



hey ,
I think i m doing some kind of mistake...
so which driver should i put in the class path . the same one which is inside... konakart / lib ..

thats what you are saying



Hello Chirantan,

If you use the default KonaKart installation, and set the URL as we've explained... you should have success.

In the default installation you will see the MS SQL Server JDBC drivers in the lib directories.

Are you just trying to run KonaKart at this point or are you trying to run something outside of KonaKart using your own modified classpath?
