Credit Card Refunds

Real time credit card refunds through the payment gateway can be managed from the Admin App. You can also insert, edit and delete refund information in the database.

The code that performs the payment gateway credit transaction is within an AdminPayment class. An example of the AdminPayment class is provided for AuthorizeNet. It must implement the com.konakartadmin.modules.AdminPaymentIf interface and by extending com.konakartadmin.modules.AdminBasePayment it inherits useful methods for sending the data to the payment gateway. The source code of all of these classes is supplied. Note that it is only possible to carry out a real time refund transaction if the payment gateway (during the original payment transaction) saves the transaction id and populates the Admin Payment Class attribute with the class name of the class that the Admin App can use to perform the refund. Again, a full example has been implemented for AuthorizeNet, and can be seen in the class

After concluding a payment gateway credit transaction, the order is placed either in a "Refund Approved" or "Refund Declined" state. From the Admin App you can decide whether a template based email should be sent directly to the customer with details of the transaction.

The above refund functionality is only available in the Enterprise version of KonaKart. For Community users a custom button has been introduced in the panel that processes returns. This feature allows you to extend the Admin App by adding your own administration functionality outside the standard Admin App. The following parameters are added to your defined URL to allow you to check security and/or operate on selected objects:

Note that this button will not be visible unless you define the label to be non-empty in the Admin App Configuration Panel.