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The storefront detects that the login was made through a social login module and so after logging in, the My Account page displays a link allowing the customer to have a KonaKart password sent to his social login email address. The customer will only need a KonaKart password should he wish to modify his KonaKart email address. As can be seen from the above screenshot there is also a link to allow the customer to enter his primary address. The customer will be forced to enter an address only at checkout time. For the case of PayPal Login, if a customer has an address defined in PayPal, then it will be used during registration,

A customer registered through a social login module is added to the KonaKart database using many default values which are used by the storefront application to determine that this information has not yet been entered.

If the email address of the social network account doesn’t already exist within KonaKart, then the customer is registered using just the email address and maybe the name and gender if these are available. The social network module sends out the standard welcome email as if the customer had registered normally. If the email address already exists, this is detected so the customer is logged in without registering.

When viewing a customer through the Admin App using the standard validation rules, the customer record will not validate and so you will not be able to make a change without entering an address for the customer. In order to relax the validation rules, you need to modify webapps/konakartadmin/WEB-INF/classes/ as shown below: