If you are installing on a platform that supports the GUI installer (Windows, Linux, Unix), it is recommended that you use that. If not, but you are on a platform that supports the silent form of the installer (again Windows, Linux, Unix), it is recommended that you use that. Otherwise, use the manual installation.
If you plan to install KonaKart in an existing servlet container, it is still advisable to run through the GUI installer if you can. The reason for this is that it will populate all the properties files for you and load your database automatically. Once you have done this you can make WARs from the GUI-installed version of KonaKart (details below) and deploy them elsewhere as you please.
The KonaKart Installation section contains general KonaKart installation instructions (although focuses on using the GUI-driven and silent versions of the installer) and contains important information that is also relevant for the manual installation so check this before starting out.
In general, you need to follow all the documented installation instructions except for the "Install KonaKart" section which explains how to use the automated GUI and Silent versions of the installation.
Perform all the documented installation instructions for:
For the purposes of this FAQ we'll use MySQL and a database named "konakart".
Using a downloaded zip file for manual installation from the Downloads page on the KonaKart website unzip to a suitable location and then follow the following steps:
Populate the Database
Make sure you have created an empty database instance in the RDBMS of choice as per the FAQ instructions: eg:
$ mysql> create database konakart
To create the database load konakart_demo.sql for the database you have chosen. In this case:
$ mysql -u root -p konakart < ./konakart/database/MySQL/konakart_demo.sql
Copy the Duplicated Jars
For users of the "zip" installations - take note!
In order to minimize the size of the download files quite a few of the jars are not copied into multiple webapps where they are required to run KonaKart successfully. A platform-specific script is provided that will copy the duplicated jars (and a few other file types) from the konakart webapp to the other webapps. The appropriate ("bat" or "sh") script must be run to complete a successful installation. The scripts (both called "copyDuplicates" can be found in the custom directory under the installation home. Both scripts require a single parameter which is the installation home directory. For example, on Windows:
C:\KonaKart\custom>copyDuplicates C:\KonaKart C:\KonaKart\custom>REM C:\KonaKart\custom>REM Copy duplicate files C:\KonaKart\custom>REM
Set Database Parameters
Set DB name (and other database connection parameters) in konakart.properties and konakartadmin.properties Change the string "dbname" to the name of your database (in this case "konakart") in the following files:
This is documented in the "Defining the Database Parameters" section below.
Now, when it comes to deployment, there is a choice.
Either: run KonaKart using the tomcat that was provided in the download kit or create WARs and load them into your chosen servlet container.
Deploy to the tomcat provided
Start tomcat using {konakart}/bin/startkonakart.sh (or, if you are working on Windows, use {konakart}\bin\StartAndLaunchKonaKart.bat).
Run KonaKart and KonaKartAdmin
Try http://localhost:8780/konakart/ and http://localhost:8780/konakartadmin/ in your browser.
Create WARs and deploy in another servlet container
Generate and deploy the war files.
$ cd {konakart}/custom $ ./custom/bin/ant make_wars
More detailed instruction for building the war files are available in the customization section if you need them.
Deploy the generated WAR files. This is different for different servlet containers, but for tomcat, just copy the .war files in {konakart}/custom/war to your tomcat's webapps directory.
Restart the servlet container if necessary.
Run KonaKart and KonaKartAdmin
Try http://localhost:8780/konakart/ and http://localhost:8780/konakartadmin/ in your browser, adjusting the port as necessary if you deployed to a different port number.