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December 21, 2024, 03:05:19 pm

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Messages - Abhed

Hello Ming,

Please correct me, if I am incorrect at any point.
To display an image in konakart front-end, I need to handle 2 things: (1) upload the image at KonaKart\webapps\konakart\images\prod\  (2) set the path of uploaded images to product's tables in konakartadmin. Path here should refer to 'prod/' folder in point-1.

Now the suggested method "scaleImage" applies scaling and copies the file from source to target folder. So should I use this method to achieve above point-1 ? How should I generate folder structure within 'prod/' folder for different products ?

Once I achieve point-1 then I know the related properties to set for image path in admin product object.

Please advice.

Hello Ming,

Thank you for clues. I am able to achieve it through KKWSAdmin.addTagsToProduct method.

Hello Ming,

Thank you for clues. I am able to achieve it through KKWSAdmin.addTagsToProduct method.

Hello Markb,

Was you able to get this done ? I am working on the same scenario to set images to a product through SOAP services. And those images should be later visible when accessing the product from konakart admin view.

I am clear about setting related file path and directory path in the product related table through the SOAP service. But I am not able to find related API to actually upload the image (which konakart webapp stores at /prod folder within webapp) . I am also wondering that I should not generate image directory path and it should be returned from the upload API.

Please provide your inputs or a code snippet will be very helpful.

Thanks in advance!


I am creating portlets in Liferay and using SOAP webservices of konakart admin to create products in konakart .
I am not able to associate Tags with Product.
Below is the related code snippet to add Tags to Product.

* Add Tags to Product

AdminSearch adminSearchForTag = new AdminSearch();
AdminTagSearchResult adminTagSearchResult = adminIf.getTags(sessionId, adminSearchForTag, 0, -1);
AdminTag[] adminTags = adminTagSearchResult.getTags();

try {
AdminEngineConfig adminEngineConfig = new AdminEngineConfig();
adminEngineConfig.setProperties(new String[] {"konakartadmin.webservice.URL", "http://localhost:8880/konakartadmin/services/KKWSAdmin", "customAdmin.webservice.URL", "http://localhost:8880/konakartadmin/services/KKWSCustomAdminService", "konakartadmin.webservice.timeoutSecs", "10"});
KKAdmin kkAdmin = new KKAdmin(adminEngineConfig);
AdminTagMgr adminTagMgr = new AdminTagMgr(kkAdmin);
adminTagMgr.addTagsToProduct(adminTags, productId);

} catch (KKAdminException e1) {
} catch (Exception e1) {

It throws error while initializing KKAdmin.

[b]KKAdmin kkAdmin = new KKAdmin(adminEngineConfig);[/b]

The error is
Quotejava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for com.konakart.util.PropertyFileNames

I have already added the konakart_utils.jar as a dependency. But the class in error is not there in that jar, and I am not able to find it in any of the jars from konakart. I have also searched in all the jars from konakart and konakartadmin webapp library. But couldn't found the class.

Please correct me, if I am implementing it in wrong way. Specially the initialization of KKAdmin. It might need any other properties, or should I simply feed it with konakart.properties or konakartadmin.properties ?
In any case, the error reported has hardly anything to do with any missing property.

Any help or guidance is a welcome.


I am creating portlets in Liferay and using SOAP webservices of konakart admin to create products in konakart .
I am not able to associate Tags with Product.
Below is the related code snippet to add Tags to Product.

* Add Tags to Product

AdminSearch adminSearchForTag = new AdminSearch();
AdminTagSearchResult adminTagSearchResult = adminIf.getTags(sessionId, adminSearchForTag, 0, -1);
AdminTag[] adminTags = adminTagSearchResult.getTags();

try {
AdminEngineConfig adminEngineConfig = new AdminEngineConfig();
adminEngineConfig.setProperties(new String[] {"konakartadmin.webservice.URL", "http://localhost:8880/konakartadmin/services/KKWSAdmin", "customAdmin.webservice.URL", "http://localhost:8880/konakartadmin/services/KKWSCustomAdminService", "konakartadmin.webservice.timeoutSecs", "10"});
KKAdmin kkAdmin = new KKAdmin(adminEngineConfig);
AdminTagMgr adminTagMgr = new AdminTagMgr(kkAdmin);
adminTagMgr.addTagsToProduct(adminTags, productId);

} catch (KKAdminException e1) {
} catch (Exception e1) {

It throws error while initializing KKAdmin.

[b]KKAdmin kkAdmin = new KKAdmin(adminEngineConfig);[/b]

The error is
Quotejava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for com.konakart.util.PropertyFileNames

I have already added the konakart_utils.jar as a dependency. But the class in error is not there in that jar, and I am not able to find it in any of the jars from konakart. I have also searched in all the jars from konakart and konakartadmin webapp library. But couldn't found the class.

Please correct me, if I am implementing it in wrong way. Specially the initialization of KKAdmin. It might need any other properties, or should I simply feed it with konakart.properties or konakartadmin.properties ?
In any case, the error reported has hardly anything to do with any missing property.

-------------------- Konakart Version Details ------------------------------
KonaKart Engine Version = (built 8:36AM 25-Apr-2014 BST)

Run Time Info:

Mode = 0, StoreId = store1

Customers Shared = No, Products Shared = No, Categories Shared = No

KonaKart Admin Client Version =

Any help or guidance is a welcome.
