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Messages - Steveinjava

Julie, it is version which eApps installed so I will download it again and see what files/directories are missing and see if I can get it looking the same. Thanks for your help!
Julie, I tried that and despite restarting Tomcat and trying a few ideas the stock is still unaffected.
So I thought I would compile PayPalAction.java afresh and found it wouldn't because...

C:/Program Files/KonaKart/custom/appn/src/com/konakart/actions/ipn/PayPalAction.java:232: cannot find symbol
symbol  : method sendOrderConfirmationMail(com.konakart.al.KKAppEng,int,boolean)
location: class com.konakart.actions.ipn.PayPalAction
                        sendOrderConfirmationMail(kkAppEng, orderId, /* success */true);

I also then spotted RepeatOrderAction.java wont compile because javac can't find the method isOnePageCheckout(..)

So I went looking for com.konakart.bl.OrderMgr but it isn't there! In com/konakart/bl/
I have LoginIntegrationMgr and OrderIntegrationMgr but not OrderMgr

Am I missed a jar file somewhere where these classes should be?

Julie, I will try adding it to things as they are. It is in a subdir called 'ipn' within actions so would I create that first to put it in?
Sorry Julie my reply got lost apparently. I have found the installation (by eApps) is not correct. The whole /custom/ directory is missing and a weird /ROOT/ has got added.
For example here is a drill down through it...
/ (Root Directory) > opt > tomcat6 > vhostwebapps > konakart > ROOT > WEB-INF > classes > com > konakart > actions

It looks like I need to move things around a lot and add in the /custom/ directory as files like PayPalAction.java are missing.
I don't fancy reinstalling as every time I do that the little changes I do get lost and it takes ages to reintroduce them.
Does my plan seem right to you or is there a reason for the /ROOT/ bit- My dev machines structure is not like that!
Julie, thanks for your help. That method is not called anywhere in any of the code I have running according to the search I just did for it!
My admin properties are set as below:
konakart.modules.ordertotal=SubTotal Tax Total ProductDiscount TotalDiscount

ie just paypal (The payments DO work, touch wood!)

Can you be more specific as to which class would normally contain the method call- Presumably it would be wrapped up in an if statement/tag to allow a flag to stop/allow the check.
Hi, all. I have a site which is designed to check its stock figure and disallow checkout without sufficient stock & deduct each sale.
The flags in the admin UI are set correctly. (Check stock fig/ deduct stock/ no to allow checkout)
The stock quantities does not reduce for simple products or products with multiple versions...Nor do stock low emails get sent.

Looking at the com > konakart > bl directory, it only contains OrderIntegrationMgr.class and the sub directory for modules:
On the Config/ stock & orders page there are references to:

Stock Reorder Class                     com.konakart.bl.ReorderMgr
Order Integration Class                 com.konakart.bl.OrderIntegrationMgr
Admin Order Integration Class        com.konakartadmin.bl.AdminOrderIntegrationMgr

and the lack of the first and last of these seems suspicious.
That said, they look like unimplemented classes which might not be needed  ???
Either way, does anyone have any ideas how I could solve or easily debug this problem?
Many thanks in advance!
I utilise https for a clients site and I am having trouble implementing administrator login as a client.
The admin module config page has a field called "Base URL for logging into the App"
and I have that set to https://www.clients domain.co.uk:8443/konakart/AdminLoginSubmit.do
It results in an invalid certificate.
I have tried missing out the port number and even using http without success.
Fingers crossed somebody has come across this?  :)
Miscellaneous / Re: Google Base Store Connector
June 17, 2008, 05:57:25 pm
Julie, if Google Base confirm they will not cover KK I will either write the app to create XML or just write a BIRT report that creates a tab delimited file.
I will consider writing a vanilla version which grabs values as-is and provide it for general use but I will need to customise it for my own commercial use because the product name does not include the manufacturers name nor the product category. For Google base, the ideal product name includes both- eg "Ford Popular Car" rather than just "Popular".
If I write the app it can appear as a custom panel in the admin app perhaps?
I will return with Googles reply and my plan...
Miscellaneous / Google Base Store Connector
June 17, 2008, 04:08:12 pm
Google base is an increasingly useful place to have a presence for eTailers and I have created spreadsheets of data from the KK mySQL tables and (after a lot of concatenating cells  :( ) and saving it as a tab delimited file, created detailed data feeds acceptable to Google base.

I was on the point of writing a java app to read the tables and create an xml file to do it when...
I now notice they have created a Store Connector which automates (Well we will see!) the process.
It reads from stores set up using Yahoo, eBay and oscommerce so I reckoned it ought to be able to deal with KK. I entered the username, password and URL of the admin page but it says the connection failed. Has anybody else tried Store Connector?
I am guessing the crawling mechanism is not directly accessing the db tables but reading the HTML output of the admin GUI which means the KK admin UI would have to be identical to the oscommerce one. If that is the problem shall I (we) lobby for KK compatability?
Feature Requests / Re: Split/partial orders
June 17, 2008, 09:18:55 am
Infact eApps HAS got available- I just needed to check my control panel for the update to be a click away. I should add an endorsement to eApps here: They really are a great server host. They explain things excellently and provide an amazing array of applications in an economical package.
Feature Requests / Re: Split/partial orders
June 17, 2008, 09:13:43 am
ming, thanks I should have checked the features updates. I will talk to eApps about updating KK - they always lag behind a bit which should be unnecessary now they use osCent5... ;)
Feature Requests / Re: Split/partial orders
June 16, 2008, 10:13:55 pm
Ryan, thanks for the reply. I can't find any login button on the customer page. I can see 'New','Edit','Delete','Orders','Email' and 'Reset password'. Can you give me for specific details of where the login on behalf of customer button is? I am using Version Number : (built 11:02AM 22-Jan-2008 GMT) which is what eApps provides at the moment.
Feature Requests / Split/partial orders
June 12, 2008, 05:10:21 pm
Apologies in advance if I have missed this feature but I can't see it in K.K.
The ability to split an order up (Usually due to stock shortages) is something I have offered clients previously using other carts: I realise its not trivial to implement or even for a client to do when the functionality is available but its a fact of life that orders do need editing (Products added to the order as well)
Does anybody else feel its a feature we need - or do without?
Well I solved it in an untidy way...I filled the db table kk_role_to_api_call with ever api_call_id for role_id=1
Then when I got in I turned off the security for API. I will now look and see if there is a way of setting these security settings in an organised way- I can't recall one. If anyone knows a good URL I would be obliged.
Hope this workaround is useful somebody in the same position one day ;)
Configuration of KonaKart / Can't login to admin!
March 28, 2008, 06:41:11 pm
I was fiddling with the admin UI (Big mistake!) and noticed an option to use 'security' with the API calls. I thought I would switch it on and see how it worked.
Now I cannot login to the admin UI- I get
User with id = 2 cannot access the API call : getRolesPerSessionId
How do I either revert to unsecure or enhance the users permissions to allow admin useage?
Thanks in advance!