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Messages - tms

Feature Requests / Sort order on content
January 19, 2021, 11:34:58 am

It would be great if you could define sort order for content in Konakart, or sort content by some field.

When fetching content by type all content which match the type would be returned sorted in the order which is defined by a "sort order" field on content (similar to the modules sorting)


ContentSearchIf would give the option to sort by custom field, or some other field.

I would prefer adding a "sort order" field on all content  :)
Question has been moved to support@konakart.com
Question has been moved to support@konakart.com
We have couple of custom schedulers running, some take 1 minute to complete, others might be running as long as 40 - 80 minutes.

One of the long running job (30 + minutes) times out, the session is destroyed and the task fails.

So the question is, what is the best way to keep the session alive while the task is running.
As a workaround I start a heartbeat thread that calls KKAdminIf's checkSession with the jobs session ID every 5 seconds.

Is there some better alternative we should explore ?
We assume that attribute templates are used to compare products.

Also that if a product content source is used, like http://icecat.biz/, the information coming from it can be mapped to the attribute template(s). 
As these content sources contain categories that would be useful to have as a part of a tag group, is there a way for a user to define which attribute (coming from the attribute template) can be defined as a tag as well ?

Has any of your clients used icecat or similar content sources in their projects ?

Is it possible to configure tag groups so that selection within them uses AND conditions instead for OR conditions ? 

Examples would include connectivity options, bluetooth, NFC, USB (a user may want a phone that has all those attributes and narrow the results to phones that fulfill those requirements).
Feature Requests / Re: Pseudo categories
November 26, 2015, 11:33:33 am

we think you may be misunderstanding.  We are all in agreement on that we want the process to be automated as much as possible.  Our request is on that nature.  What we need is the option of sharing one category or more categories (where it applies) coming from the ERP system, with another, but we would need to do so in KK. This is therefore only one off action in KK. 

Our first post explains this.  We have headphones (id.100) that can be used as accessories with mobile phones, laptops, tablets, desktops, speakers, CD players and more.  Its very difficult and cumbersome and error prone if we would need to do this manually, categorizing each and every headset in this way.  What we need is a way to share one category with other product categories so that the headsets in this one category can be viewed as accessories in other categories.

We all know that ERP have limitations and can be very difficult to configure in ways that suits the customer. KK should help us make the ERP system better, by allowing us to expand and elaborate the functionality already in the ERP.  ERP should be considered a host of basic information whereas KK is the presentation layer (enabler of technology and new features) where extra features are avaiable and all the magic happens  :)
Feature Requests / Re: Pseudo categories
November 25, 2015, 05:03:23 pm
We cannot guarantee that complex category relations will be available from every system we are planning on integrating with in the future, even though SAP supports it some other might not.
In some cases we might only get the top level category (and products), no other relations, and some manual work might have to be carried out.

Even though the goal is to automate importing, we cannot rule out human interaction in the back-end.
Feature Requests / Re: Pseudo categories
November 25, 2015, 03:46:52 pm
We are also importing the products automatically using the APIs, that is not the issue here.
We do not have a problem with importing products, what we are addressing is the lack of functionality in the back-end, after the products have been imported and an actual human takes over.
Feature Requests / Re: Pseudo categories
November 25, 2015, 03:33:01 pm
Hi Julie, thanks for the quick reply.

What you explained is something we are well aware of, that is why we posted this question.
This might work for small stores, however when we are talking about a store with 10.000+ products this kind of manual work is not feasible.

Could you take a look at the questions I have, we will be happy to explain our needs if this seems unclear.

Is this something that you know that has been implemented by your customers ?
If so, you might have given them pointers, could you point us in the direction on where would be the best way to implement this (CategoryMgr ?)
also what class(es) we would need to keep in mind on the store-front side.

Last but not least, isn't this something that could qualify as a core feature in KonaKart ? We are actually quite surprised
that this is not a core feature already since this is pretty common scenario in online stores.
Feature Requests / Pseudo categories
November 25, 2015, 12:47:02 pm

In KonaKart the categories are based on a parent/child relationship.

We are looking to create a category structure where we have multiple ways to get to the same category
in order to avoid having to create and maintain identical categories.

Example 1:
Common computer accessories include bags, power supplies and headphones (that belongs to Sound category in this case).
One possibility would be to use one of the custom fields in the categories common data to express relationship between one or more categories.

|--------- Accessories (custom1: 100)
|-----------Headphones (ID: 100)

Example 2:
Another way might be to create pseudo category that inherits tag-groups and products from the specified category, in this example headphones.

|--------- Accessories
           |-Headphones(custom1: 100)
Sound     |
|-----------Headphones (ID: 100)

Is this something that you know that has been implemented by your customers ?
If so, you might have given them pointers, could you point us in the direction on where would be the best way to implement this (CategoryMgr ?)
also what class(es) we would need to keep in mind on the store-front side.

Last but not least, isn't this something that could qualify as a core feature in KonaKart ? We are actually quite surprised
that this is not a core feature already since this is pretty common scenario in online stores.

Best regards.
The documentation for com.konakartadmin.bl.AdminTagMgr.insertTag is a little bit off in the JavaDoc. KonaKart

It states there that the Id should not be filled out.


public int insertTag(java.lang.String sessionId, AdminTag tag) throws java.lang.Exception

Insert a new Tag object. If associated TagGroups are included in the tag object (i.e. not null and at least one of them) these are also added to the kk_tag_group_to_tag table.
Specified by:
insertTag in interface AdminTagMgrIf
sessionId - session Id of logged in Admin user
tag - the new AdminTag object to insert - do not fill out the Id (unless inserting a tag for a new language) as this will be created. If the tag specifies -1 (KonakartAdminConstants.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ID) for the languageId, we set the id of the default language before inserting)
the id of the AdminTag object created
Throws: java.lang.Exception

However in your JavaDoc, it says "do not fill out the Id (set it to -1) as this will be created". Setting the id as -1 looks awfully lot like filling out the id variable.

Shouldn't  the id variable in AdminTag be set to -1 in the constructor by default if the default behavior should be to create a new id ?
I am trying to add an array of AdminTag using the AdminTagMgr. I am extending BaseApiExample.java

List < AdminTag > adminTags = new ArrayList < > ();

lookupConsumer.getChildren().forEach(child - > {
    AdminTag adminTag = new AdminTag();
    adminTag.setTagGroups(new AdminTagGroup[] {adminTagGroup});

try {
    AdminTag[] arr = adminTags.toArray(new AdminTag[adminTags.size()]);
    adminTagMgr.insertTags(sessionId, arr);
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println(String.format("Unable to add tags: %s", e));

When I run this, only the first tag is saved, even though they have completely differnt names. Adding tags with the same name in the admin application is no problem so I do not understand why this is failing.
I have removed all languages but the default English.

com.konakartadmin.app.KKAdminException: Exception Message = (org.apache.torque.TorqueException) - org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "kk_tag_pkey"
  Detail: Key (tag_id, language_id)=(4, 1) already exists.

Do I need to fill out the ID of the AdminTag my self ? Shouldn't the AdminTag's ID be created automatically on insert ?