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December 21, 2024, 01:47:35 pm

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Messages - GrapeApe

Found the answer and tossing it in here for future generations of KonaKart users  The countryId property of the AddressIf MUST be set.  The CustomerMgr.addAddressToCustomer call lets you save an AddressIf without setting this, but the populateCurrentCustomerAddresses will not pull it back without the countryId.

- Debugging Gorilla

Hello all,

I'm making a call to CustomerMgr.populateCustomerMgr and it doesn't seem to populate all the addresses associated with that customer.  When I look at the address_book table, I see a bunch of addresses associated with that user (including the default).  The customer's "customers_id" appears in the table several times with several address_book_id's, but these other addresses are not being populated in the "populateCurrentCustomerAddresses(true)" call (outside of the default).

Any obvious reasons this might be true?

- Purple Hairball
Thank you, Julie!

So basically, if we add a new OrderStatus, it's not important that it integrates with the "prebuilt" order status constants in anyway?  Is that the right?  But I'm guessing we can't delete any of those prebuilt order statuses either or the system might get wonky...

Hello again!

So this question is about order statuses.  I know that you can add/delete/update order status in the admin app.  My question is, how does this affect the order status constants in com.konakart.bl.OrderMgr? 

For example, if I add a new order status called "new order status", would I have to modify the code for "com.konakart.bl.OrderMgr" so that there's a constant called com.konakart.bl.OrderMgr.NEW_ORDER_STATUS.  I ask because in the sample payment module code (AuthorizenetAction, etc), there seems to be constants for all the other order statuses...but I'm unsure how these constants would interact with order status changes in the admin app.

Thank you!

- Bit Pushing Primate
Quote from: trevor on March 25, 2009, 06:31:28 am
Our enterprise extensions allow you to implement multi-store with multiple databases. However, to show the products in the same store you'd have to modify the Struts application.

Ah, is there a way to accomplish the same thing with the 2.6 KonaKart?  (Just read your docs on the new KK and so I know this is kind of an end-around for the EE-setup, so I can understand you guys being hesitant to answer this one).


Hello all,

Does anyone know of a way to programmatically access two different KonaKart databases?  Say I have a store that for some reason sells two products priced in two different currencies - one sells jewelry priced in dollars and the other sells kittens priced in rupees.  However, products from both databases are loaded into the same webapp, so I need to be able to programmatically switch between reading from the jewelry/dollar database and the kittie/rupee database. 

Likewise, I need to programmatically switch between administration of the two database.  If I get some new diamonds, I want to go to add them to the jewelry database and price it in dollars.  If I get a cute new callico, I want to put him in the kitten database and price him in rupees (not that you can put a price on a kittie!).  One unified interface is presented to administrators that allows him to update each database with the appropriate currency.  However, the backend has to know how to switch between the two databases. 

Any ideas?  Thank you,

Currency-Challenged Gorilla
Saw this post, which seems to be related - http://www.konakart.com/forum/index.php?action=printpage;topic=173.0 .  Basically, the julie suggests using the custom fields for the alternative currencies.  How does everything else interact with this (order processing, totals, etc)? 

My guess is that the best solution is have multiple products in multiple stores, each with difference currencies.

I'm open to any other ideas too. 

- Furball Researching Solutions
Hello all,

During my daily search for tasty bananas, I was wondering if there were a way to assign prices to products in multiple currencies (say dollars and euros) and have those currencies appear to the user based on their IP address (e.g. european based browsers see Euros and U.S. based browsers see dollars). 

So - *no* conversion between dollars and euros.  One price in dollars.  One price in euros. And assume the payment gateway can handle either. 

Has anyone run into this scenario?

Thank you,

Lovable Fuzzy Primate
Is there way to configure the admin app to remove the requirement for adding title/description for all languages when defining a new product?

Thank you!

- Single Language Ape
Cool!  Thanks Trevor,

- More Knowledgable Furball
Hi guys,

I was wondering if I installed a product image at one node of the cluster if it automatically is shared with other nodes on the cluster?  I do product images have to be installed on a shared drive that's mounted by each node in the cluster?

- Curious Purple Ape
Must use a product id of a product that's actually in the database.  I'd inadvertantly deleted this particular id at some point.

Problem solved.  Thanks for the assist...

- Big Hairy Mammal
Also, here's my engine instantiation for further elucidation:

           Class engineClass = Class.forName("com.konakart.app.KKEng");
           eng = (KKEngIf) engineClass.newInstance();

- Lovable Purple Primate
Quote from: trevor on February 20, 2009, 01:43:28 pm
Are you aware of the following (from the javadoc) ?

QuoteIf the customer is logged in to the application, then a valid sessionId is required and the customerId is ignored. Otherwise, the sessionId may be set to null and the method will use the customerId, ensuring that the customer is not a registered customer by checking that the customerId is negative. All registered customers have positive ids.

I would try again with a sessionId that you get after performing a login.

The sessionId is a non-null value returned from eng.login (not included in the snippet above).  The username I hardcoded the customerId as a "grasping-at-straws" measure.  Perhaps there's something about the configuration of the Customer associated to the email/password used to login?