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Messages - andrea.castelli

I'm testing the new KK 6.5.1 on IE10 and the My Store Status panel does not load the chart.

The errors are the following:

HTML1527: DOCTYPE expected. The shortest valid doctype is "<!DOCTYPE html>".
konakartadmin, line 1 character 1
SCRIPT5007: Unable to set property 'overflowX' of undefined or null reference
AbstractBaseReportDocument.js, line 171 character 5
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property '__init_page_all' of undefined or null reference
run, line 519 character 4

How can I fix this problem?

Hi everybody,
my shop is successfully running KK 5.2. The admin interface works fine.

But now My Store Status doesn't load the chart "Orders in last 12 Months" in the KK administration in IE10. The problem is only in IE10 .

Is there a way to solve this issue?
Does it work in the latest version of KK?

Thank you guys.
Andrea Castelli
Thank you... it was so simple!!

Best wishes for 2013.
Hi everybody,
  I have a question about the order details panel in the administration interface.
The email displayed  contains a reference to /admin/[customeremail@xxx.xxx]. If a click on it a 404 error is returned.

How can I make it works?
Is there a configuration option to set?

Thank you.
Best regards.

Andrea Castelli
I think that I found a bug in the mechanism of mail combined with orders and localization.

The scenario is the following(Community Edition 5.5):

1. An order is completed in a language different from the Admin App.
2. The administrator changes the status of the order.
3. Konakart sends the orderStatusChange_(locale).vm
4. In this email: 
    #foreach( $osh in $order.getStatusTrail() )
    prints the  status  in the language of the admin app


1. Did someone else report the same behaviour?
2. Did someone else report the same behaviour in 6.0?
3. Is there a workaround?

Thank you very much.
Best regards.

Andrea Castelli
Programming of KonaKart / Re: Errorr in Report
March 01, 2012, 08:56:04 am
you have to configure the birtviewer project and a configuration line in that code. Search in the forum  rptdesign.

Programming of KonaKart / base price plus selected option
February 09, 2012, 04:27:42 pm
Hi everybody,
I need  to display the price of the option as a final price not as increment or decrement.

For example, now I have:
option1:   +2$     (additional)
option2:   +3$     (additional)

and I would like to show:
option1:     9$    (final price)
option2:   10$    (final price)

How can I do that in the konakart demo?

Thank you.
Best regards.

Andrea Castelli
I would like to make something happen when the order status change. To be more precise: I would like to send an email to someone else when the status of an order change to my custom status "SENT".

Is it possible through configuration?
Should I create a new custom order view by programming?

Any advice will be appreciate.

Thank you.
Best regards.

Andrea Castelli

KonaKart WebSite & Demonstrations / Ticket reservation
January 13, 2012, 07:47:23 am
a generic question:

is konakart suitable for ticket reservation?

Best regards.

Thank you.
Andrea Castelli
Programming of KonaKart / Re: Future developments
January 13, 2012, 07:44:02 am
Now my work is on production environment:


Andrea Castelli

Programming of KonaKart / searchForProducts sorting?
January 11, 2012, 08:28:37 am
Hi everybody,
just a simple question:
what is the default sorting of


Thank you.
Hi I have developed a nice feature to link better the products in the store front of Konakart.

So when an external site (it can be the official site of a manufacturer) links a product it can refer to the right language.
What do you think about it?

Here is my code.

In ShowProductDetailsAction I added at the end of the URL

         // add the current locale
         url.append(URLEncoder.encode(kkAppEng.getLocale(), "UTF-8"));

         readLocale(request, kkAppEng);
         final ProductIf selectedProd = kkAppEng.getProductMgr().getSelectedProduct();

where readLocale is
private void readLocale(final HttpServletRequest request, final KKAppEng kkAppEng) throws KKException,
       KKAppException {
      if (StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter("locale"))) {
      if (!StringUtils.contains(request.getParameter("locale"), "_")) {

      String locale = request.getParameter("locale");

       * The locale should be in the form languageCode_countryCode (i.e. en_GB, it_IT). We need to split up the two
       * codes.
      final String[] codes = locale.split("_");

       * Set the current locale in KonaKart so that calls to the engine use this locale.
      kkAppEng.setLocale(codes[0], codes[1]);

      // Set the message resources in kkAppEng

      // Set the currrent locale so that it's picked up by Struts
      setLocale(request, new Locale(codes[0], codes[1]));
Is it possible to insert a table in the rich text editor for the product description?
Maybe there is some parameters to change like FCK editor?

Thank you and happy new year.
Programming of KonaKart / Re: Bug? pagination and images
December 20, 2011, 09:07:07 am
I made a mistake. This situation happen when the path of an image is wrong and the image is not loaded. The way to find the image in the result product is not important
Programming of KonaKart / Bug? pagination and images
December 20, 2011, 08:53:37 am
I found a strange behavior in the standard pagination.

Clicking on next, the flow of the jsps goes there:

<logic:equal name="prodMgr" property="headerToShow" value="expired">         
             <div class="rel left max msg-box texCenter text14">
              <bean:message key="products.body.products.have.expired"/>

displaying ...Products have expired Try new search...

After a while I noticed a product with different images.
The path for the images of that product is made in this way:

custom10 + image2


If I put

everything works.
What does it happen in pagination? I don't have exception in my logs

Thank you.